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"Enidddddd, you'll never guess what-" Mara trailed off as she walked into the blonde's dorm and saw her and Wednesday glaring at each other.

"Oh come ON," Mara exclaimed. "For fucks sake.." She grumbled under her breath as she walked up to them and put her hands on their chests, pushing them away from each other slightly.

"And put your damn claws away," Mara swatted at Enid's hands while Wednesday glanced at Mara's hand still lying on her chest before looking back up at the brunette.

"Whatever happened to 'don't kill each other'?" Mara asked frustratedly. Before either of the two could respond, the door opened as Ms. Thornhill walked into the room.

"Good evening girls," Ms. Thornhill said before glancing down at her shoes. "Oh, sorry about the mud."

"Ah, is this a bad time?" She asked, noticing the black tape line on the floor and Mara separating the two girls. "I'm Ms. Thornhill, your dorm mom,"

"No, not at all." Mara said to the woman. "Right?" The brunette hissed under her breath, glaring at the two shorter girls before letting her hands fall to her side.

"Apologies, I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived." Ms. Thornhill said, breaking the awkward silence. "I trust Enid and Mara have given you the old Nevermore welcome."

"Enid has been smothering me with hospitality." Wednesday deadpanned, earning a pointed stare from Mara, "I hope to return the favor. In her sleep."

"As for Mara, she has been... sufficient." Wednesday said, her tone flat.

"Only sufficient?" Mara whispered to Enid.

"It's better than what I got," The blonde whispered back, sounding slightly put off.

"Well, here's a little welcome gift from my conservatory," Ms. Thornhill said, ignoring the exchange between the two girls. "I try to match the right flower to each of my girls,"

Wednesday stared at Ms. Thornhill, somehow managing to look even more bored than usual.

"When I read your personal statement in your application, I immediately thought of this one."

"The black dahlia." The ravenette observed, her face remaining emotionless.

"Oh, you know it?" Ms. Thornhill questioned.

"Of course, it's named after my favorite unsolved murder." Wednesday said as if it was obvious while Mara snickered at the look on their dorm mom's face.

"Okey-Dokey, before I leave, I want to go over a few house rules," The woman said after handing the flower to Wednesday. "Lights off at 10, no loud music-" At this, Wednesday glared at Enid who simply smiled back.

"-and no boys. Ever." Ms. Thornhill finished.

"No problem here," Mara whispered to Enid who laughed quietly before being shut up by a cold stare from Wednesday. The ravenette had overheard their conversation and honestly, she couldn't say she was surprised, but she did take note of it.

"I'm gonna go use your shower real quick," Mara whispered to Enid and Wednesday, "I still haven't cleaned mine out from when Yoko put paint in it." She grumbled, remembering one of the many pranks Yoko had pulled on her. Enid nodded with a grin, recalling the aftermath of that prank.

"I'll meet you in the quad after fencing?" Mara asked Enid while backing away to their bathroom, receiving another nod from the blonde.

*•.¸♡ ----------------------------- ♡¸.•*

Mara's sabre clashed against Bianca's with a metallic ring. The two girls sparred back and forth before Mara suddenly lunged at the girl. Bianca quickly sidestepped, Mara's sabre just barely missing her. Bianca stumbled back but managed to hit the top of Mara's head as she fell against the wall.

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