Chapter Twenty-One - To Getting The Girl

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Chapter Twenty-One

When Sajima answered her door wearing a black knee-length bodycon dress with a low sweetheart neckline painted on, a smoky eyeshadow look that made those amber irises he adored stand out so much more, and her hair cascading like silk down her back Sakusa nearly walked in and closed the door behind him. He swallowed thickly and glanced away as she slipped her feet into a pair of black pumps. " one of the outfits you wear to work meetings?"

Sajima shook her head, admiring how put together he looked as per usual, only this time less casual with his slim charcoal slacks and fitted black button-up with the shiniest watch she had ever seen hiding beneath the cuff of his right wrist. "I ended up having more time than I expected since I didn't stay to talk with Takeuchi, so I stopped at a boutique on my way home to get something nice for tonight." She turned to look at him over her shoulder playfully, batting her eyelashes. "What do you think?"

Relieved to hear this wasn't something she'd worn for anyone else, Sakusa hummed his reply. "Beautiful as always."

"Oh, c'mon. I put way more effort in; I better look prettier than always," Sajima pouted.

"When you answered the door, I had half a mind to keep you here so only I could see you." Sakusa offered her his hand. "But on second thought, I'd rather make everyone jealous that you chose to go on a date with me."

Sajima grabbed her small clutch purse and keys before accepting his hand. "That's a good line," she mused.

"Is it considered a line when it's true," Sakusa questioned as she locked her door. When she turned around with her cheeks rosier than a few moments before, Sakusa knew that now she believed him.


"Let me know when you decide," he teased.

Sajima smiled at Sakusa when they stepped into the elevator, her hand raising to ghost over the edge of his wavy hair to tuck a wisp back into place. "I like the way you style your hair." She gingerly touched the two spots above his eye. "And this li'l dynamic duo right here. I'm happy you don't part your hair to this side. I'd miss them if they were hidden."

Sakusa smiled; it was nice to be fussed over. "Then I'll be sure to keep it the same."

"You are a creature of habit, so I'm sure you had no intention of changing it, but I am still happy to hear it." Sajima gave his hand a gentle squeeze and leaned into his side. "You look extra handsome tonight."

"Then we make a good pair," he concluded.

"We'll be out breakin' everyone else's hearts tonight," she laughed. "We even match too! We're like grown-up goths."

Amused, Sakusa countered her joke with another. "Don't let go of me in case you can't find me in the dark."

Sajima wrapped her arm around his to pull herself closer. No way would she waste an opportunity to do so. Especially not when he looked this good. "If you insist. Who am I to argue with you?"

"You argue with me all the time."

"What? No way. Not always."

Sakusa blinked. "You're literally doing it right now."

"... Oh. Well, fine. I won't argue with you on anything that involves holding onto you."

A smirk tugged at his lips as the elevator dinged once they reached the main floor. "Is that so?"

"Would you prefer otherwise?" Sajima overzealously sighed as she entered the bland lobby, separating herself from him to toss her arm over her forehead. "Oh, woe is me! Perhaps I should entertain the possibility of other gentleman callers."

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