Chapter 1 - The beginning (Pilot)

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Over 5000 years ago, the Realm's of Heaven and Hell, have made a pact together to co-exist in peace together. An eternal Contract was signed by Blood between God and Lucifer, that no matter under what circumstances, the two Realms shall never attack each other, nor declare War upon each other. No matter what circumstances may occur. The enteties signed the contract with a drop of blood, from each of them imprinted on the old paper, but of course, this story wouldn't be written if the promises they made, would have been kept. 

It all began on a fateful Night, Heaven has send their strongest soldiers down into the pit of hell, to attack the insolent realm and purify the creatures, that were born in the fires of hell. Betrayed by the Gods, Satan used most of his strength to create four beings born from; Fire, Darkness, Void and Chaos. 

His first creation born from Fire was named Estrella, the current Queen of  Asis. Out of the four, she and her Brother named Virgil, the one created by Chaos, showed the most potential of becoming the Heir, to the Kingdom. As Zandrick and Killigen, were satisfied with their position and didn't display, any desire to step up to the Throne of their Father. Virgil, was very eager to become the next Heir of the Throne, for decades he had already made plans in his head, on how he would lead his own Kingdom. He planned to slaughter all  his dear followers and eat their souls, to gain even more power, than he already had. Of course, he thought that he would be able to beat Estrella in a Heartbeat, thus he used only an ounce of his power, yet he didn't think that Estrella also had plans of her own, on how to rule the Kingdom. 

In her early years of learning about souls and how to weight them, she was the Grim Reaper in the making. Thus she has learned how corrupt and disgusting humans were, where God would give them another Chance to repent their Sins, she would banish the evil souls in the depths of hell, making them serve as slaves for eternity, to repent their Sins. Her cruel ways made her the most feared demon of all, when it came to the Day of Judgement. But it all came to an End, when God heard of her harsh punishments and refusal for a second Chance. So naturally, he took her position away and put the task of waging to one of his Angels instead. 

If she would become Empress, she thought, she would make sure that noone questions her motives anymore, she would kill anyone who even dares to question her judgement. If the Throne would be in her Hands, she would make sure, that her Kingdom would have the strongest soldiers, who would be ready for anything that could potentionally harm the Kingdom. 

Virgil, was just about 500 years old when he learned how to use black magic and combine them with his Powers of Chaos. In a matter of days he became a weapon that was almost indestructable. And his cockiness grew each time he would win in a spar against Estrella. But his cockiness was also, what brought his downfall. As Satan felt that Virgil would never be able to rule a Kingdom, with his inconsistent behavior, and impulsive tendencies, he was far too greedy to decide what was benefitial to his Kingdom and what wasn't. 

Estrella on the other Hand was cunning, witty and despite her hatred towards humans she was always able to keep a cool head in dangerous matters. She was a strategist, she had no time to let her emotions influence her decisions, rather she would push her emotions aside for as much as possible, so she wouldn't get distracted by them. After all, emotions were the first thing, that led to a rulers downfall. During the fight she wielded her Polearm in her hands, with such accuracy and precision, that you would thing it is a part of her arm by now. In a matter of minutes, she was able to struck Virgil down to the floor, using only a quarter of her strength. 

"You have lost again", she said in a cold tone. Her voice was so empty of life and cold, no matter what she said, she would alsways sound bored, or have a lack of emotion to her voice. Since she believed that, showing too much emotions make you vulnerable. 

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