Chapter 9 - The Awakening

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Catherine was walking around the castle bored as always. Allthough they were kept hostage in her own home, Catherine felt as this was just any other day. She walked around the castle as she saw Raoul walking to the study room.

Curiously she followed him. Raouls gaze was as cold as ever, his plan was starting to spiral out of control,allthough he took over the first Kingdom as he intended, they were still six more to go and he wasn't sure if it would be as easy conquering them,as it was with Estrellas.

He summoned a book of biblical creatures and started to summon more angels to strengthen his Army. Catherine raised her eyebrow as she realized something. That book could be a way to stop him summoning more of these pesty creatures. She watched him put the Book in a Glass Cabinet, locking it with a Seal. Maybe taking that book wouldn't be as easy as she thought. She quickly dissapeared into the shadows and turned into her Bat-Self,as she flew to Adrien's room.

He was sitting infront a Mirror, glaring at himself with self hatred. This isn't at all what he wanted.
He wanted to take over the kingdom and claim his rightful throne. Restore the Kingdom back to its glory and finish off the threats around them once and for all. But his greed made him forget what his intentions used to be. Not being able to stand looking at himself , anymore, he punched his hand into the mirror infront of him. In a rage of fit he started to destroy his entire room as black fogg started to form around him.

Filled with rage and anxiety at the same time he felt sick to his stomach,immediately he grabbed a trashcan nearby and vomited inside. It was as if acid was leaving his body.

Suprised by the knock on the door he jumped a little as he, muttered the words „Come in".

The Door opens as Catherine steps inside and looks at him. Her gaze filled with partial sorrow and partial wrath.

She breathed in as to try to calm her mind before she spoke up. „You... do you have any idea what Destruction you caused."

Silence. Adrians eyes widened for a second but after taking a couple of breathes his cold expression returned on his face.

„Destruction? This is War. You thought War was peaceful, dearest Sister?"

In less than a second, Catherine stood behind Adrian and kicked him into the Wall. With pure hate and disgust in her eyes she walked over to him. „You call yourself a King, you wanted to be one so bad. And now You run your Kingdom to the ground! Is this what a King does?!"

Catherine grabbed him by his shoulders as she pulled him up with ease, her eyes have gone red as her fangs grew longer  making her look even more frightening than usual.
„Raoul has a book, an ultimate Weapon that allows him to summon countless of these wretched beings! If we cant retreive it from him, i'm afraid this might be our end!"

Adrian looked at Catherine with a regret all over his face. „He told me that, he will help me get the throne. In the end i just ended up being his pawn."

Suddenly a screach was heard from the outside as  Adrian and Catherine looked outside the Window hastly.

The creatures of Light were suddenly attacked, by an unknown source.
One by one the Angels were brought to a rest by the blade of a red scythe.

Suddenly the people of Aeon started to  cheer in amazement and relieve. The heir to the throne has returned and she was none other, than Estrella.

When Adriens eyes fell upon Estrella he stumbled back tears forming in his eyes, his sister was still alive. And she looked stronger than before.

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