Chapter 2 - Thorns

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It was the next day, as Estrella woke up in her Chamber. The golden Snake Frames of her bed, came to life as they slithered to her greeting her with their tounge flicking in and out of their mouths. Estrella smiled carefully put them aside, as some of them slithered around her neck hardening to a chain while the others wrapped around her Arms decorating her Body with Arm - and Leg Bracelettes. Yawning, she stood up and walked into the bathroom, as she fixed up her hair in a loose hairdo, with some golden Hairpins, decorated with flower ornaments , sticking out of her head. 

She put on a red floaty dress, that laid perfectly around her curves. For the red colour would , accentuate her pale skin. As she walked down the stairs, she was greeted by Killigen, which looked at her with a soft smile. 

"You are looking rather dashing today, my dearest Sister? Is there a special Event, i wasn't invited to, you're attending?" 

"Safe your Charme for the humans, you will need it if you want to convince them to come to hell with you. To answer your question, no there isn't a special Event. I am just leaving to go to the market again." 

Killigen raised a brow, as he took a sip from his coffee mug, which was filled with angels blood. 

"Have you changed your mind about hangin' with the commoners, Sister?" 

"Tch, the day i will bless them with my company, is  not yet to come, Killigen. Also, i don't remember, to have needed your permission, for leaving my own castle." 

Killigen smirked. "Our castle, Estrella. Don't forget your dearest brothers, are living here with you as well." 

"Unfortunately they do, speaking of vermins. Where is Virgil, he hasn't tried to choke me out this morning yet. Its awefully suspicious." 

Killigen chuckled hearing his Sister refer to her brothers as Vermins, slowly he pointed towards the Throne Room with a smile on his Face. 

"It seems that there is a Guest, that has requested to see you. He said that he received a contract from you, and came here personally to give you the signed documents." 

Estrella looked confused and stepped forward into the Throne room, as she saw Zandricks white Hair, tied in a ponytail, from the back. What it seemed to be, him talking to a person infront of him. As he stepped aside a little, Estrella took a closer look as she felt her heart, skip a beat again. She still couldn't get used to the feeling, which she didn't know what it was, but it was the second time now that this man had that effect on her. A dangerous feeling indeed. 

As she stared a little longer, Raoul noticed her prensence and looked back at her, his golden, shiny eyes staring right into hers. There was this feeling again, Estrellas heart was beating so fast and loud, that she felt like it was about to explode. Her, usually cold body, felt burning hot. Curiously, she stepped closer not breaking eye contact with Raoul. 

Without thinking, her body moved on its own as she stepped closer and closer, her heart beating faster with every second. 

"As Estrellas right Hand, you will have to endure many responsibilities, also i don't to mean to scare you off, but Estrella, how does one say? A very passionate woman. She often lets her Emotions take over her, so try to avoid her when she's having a bad day." 

"I hope, aside from fullfilling my responsibilities, that i will be able to make her smile each day." Raoul said with a warm expression on his face, which made Estrella feel this weird tingly feeling in her chest again. 

Finally, Zandrick seemed to catch on as he turned around, seeing Estrella, his face turned red instantly from emberassement. Yeah, Zandrick was always good at making a fool out of himself. 

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