Chapter 8 - There shall be blood

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The crowd shouted in excitement  as they saw Estrella walking out the gates and onto the battlefield. Estrella's confidence boosted immediately as she saw how excited the crowd was for the fight to happen. While others would whisper to each other in confusion and uncertainty, if it was truly the Empress or not. Estrella would show no change in her cold expression. She looked up as her gaze met with Azarel's. He looked pleased, as a smile graced his face  while he sat in his throne looking, down at the display infront of him.

The gates on the other side opened as a tall muscular figure with burgundy coloured skin, small horns on his head and long black hair came out. He looked at Estrella with his honey-coloured eyes. A smirk forming on his face.

An announcer stood  in the middle of the battle field as he held up a microphone to his mouth.

"Welcome, welcome Ladies and Gentleman! To the big showdown!! In the left corner we have our all time champion, the one and only , undefeadet beast himself! ABBADON!!"
The crowd cheared his name and shouted excited.

Abaddon smirked once again.
"Oh really? This is my opponent ? Just a small frail woman ? This is going to be amusing! Just don't expect me to hold back!"

"And on the right we have our challanger! Empress of the seventh kingdom, the grim reaper herself !! Estrella!" Instead of cheering the crowd went silent and started murmuring amongst each other.

Estrella looked at Abaddon, with a blank bored expression as she sighed.

"Seems like you don't have that many fans here. Wait...i know you ... you are the daughter of Lucifer, the next successor to his throne, that left her kingdom behind to fall. You are a traitor to your own kind!" He shouted making the crowd go furious as they started to boo at Estrella. But it's not like she didnt expect that.

She simply sighed as her eyes glew red while looking at Abbadon.

"Are you done running your mouth now ? You are boring me." She said while yawning.

"YOU-! I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT POWER IS!!" He shouted, charging at Estrella. As quickly as he charged at her, as quickly and suddenly she dissapeared from his view only to appear behind him, to strike him with her scythe. Her sharp blade rammed into the back of his neck, she pulled it down alongside of his spine slicing his skin open.

He gasped in pain as he turned around trying to fling her off, yet Estrella was one step ahead as she dissapeared already as soon as he would turn.

Abbadon was in disbelief. Furious even, as he let himself be deceived by this wretched woman. As he looked around he was suddenly struck by Estrellas knee in his neck. He coughed, loosing his breath. Clearly he underestimated the force he was recking with. With the first hit followed a kick to his face. One hit after another would go to his face, as he tried to block her off with his arms. Even at some point trying to catch her leg mid attack, but failed every time. She was simply too fast. How the hell was she so fast.

Suddenly, she appeared behind him and pulled his head back by his hair. Smirking mischieviously.
"Is that the power you meant, Abbadon ?" She said as her eyes turned red , while her bloodlust grew bigger. Abbadon awed in ache as he couldnt move. All that muscle on his body and yet he couldnt move a single one.

Blood was scattered on her face, as Estrella looked at Abbadon with a sadistic smile. "Is that it? Are you really gonna let a frail, small woman like me beat you?" she scoffed and started to laugh at Abbadon, as the crowd started to laugh with her. Filled with rage and emberassement, Abbadon got up as he spat blood on the ground, standing back in his fighting position. "You barely touched me, woman." he said, a little bit out of breath. 

Estrella's eyes lit up with Fury as she stepped closer to him with her eyes still glowing red. She stepped closer and closer and stopped right infront of him. A grin spreading across her face. "Touch me then, i dare you!" she said coldly. Abbadon swung out for a punch but missed as, Estrella grabbed his hand twisting his Wrist, making him sigh in awe. With a digsusted look on her Face she looked at the Incubus infront of her, screaming in pain. "You know what the problem with you, prideful men is? You make such big promises, yet you never keep them. This match was rather boring and dissapointing, for me as well as for the crowd. You dont deserve to be called, a demon. Let's just end this shall we?" she let go of his wrist before, she appeared behind him once more. grabbing his Tail first. Abbadons, eyes widened realizing in what position he was in. "No, please! Don't do this i beg you!" A wide smile spread across, Estrellas face again as she summoned, hands from the groung, forcing them to hold down Abbadon. She wrapped his tail around her hand twice before she pulled, firmly again. The crowd gasped, as they realized what was going on and one of the guards, stood up to stop Estrella. But Azarel stopped him from moving further. "Why are you getting up?" 

The guard looked at him nervously. "S...she is going to emasculate him if we dont do something !" 

Azarel looked curiously at the Guard and smiled innocently. "Is that so?" Before he could get up and stop Estrella, an agonizing scream filled the room, as she had already ripped his tail off, moving on to his horns now. She grabbed the horns on his head as she leaned forward, to the whimpering shell of a demon, Abbadon once was. "A minute ago, you were gonna show me, how much a man you were. And now, look at you. Begging me to stop." An image of Raouls face, appeared infront of Estrella. She stopped for a second as she shook her head, but the image wouldn't go away. "Would you really kill me if you could?", the Vision asked, as Estrellas mind started to flood with panic, confusion and rage. Rage would overcome her entire body as she ripped the horns off, in one swipe and broke Abbadon's neck, leaving him unconscious on the ground. She looked at him and then faced the crowd,some Faces filled with disgust. While others would simply look at her with fear. Just like she wanted. If she wasnt going to be loved, she would be feared. 

Abbadon, came back to his senses as he tried to get up, but was soon stopped by Estrella. Holding him by his head again. His Face was covered with blood and he huffed exhausted. "Please, you don't have to do this." Estrella didn't hear him anymore though, she was trapped in a state of rage and bloodlust. The only thing that would calm her down, was the Win. 

She put her Finger against his lips and made a "Shh" sound telling him to calm down. "Soon, i will set you free, Raoul. I will take back my throne and the last thing you are going to see, is my cold gaze looking down on you as, you take your final breathe beneath me." 

"I am not Ra-", Abbadon was cut off, mid sentence as Estrella, pierced her hand through his chest and grabbed his heart. The only way to effectively kill off a demon, was to pull its heart out and slit their throat. Estella sliced the heart, into tiny pieces with her claws, before lifitng his head up one last time, finishing him by slicing his troat open. The crowd remained silent. No applause, no celebration, just pure shock and silence. 

Azarel looked pleased. He stood up and walked down onto the battlefield, as he declared Estrella as the winner of the match. Lifting her Arm up in victory. Allthough he was proud of his new found alliance, he couldn't help, but to shake, while gazing down at Estrella. This wasn't a normal demon. She was on the Path of destruction and he knew, if he would stand in her way, she would make sure to drag him down with her. 

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