Chapter 10 - Nihility

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Where am i ? What happend? How did i get here?

Estrella, walked around confused in this black void she was stuck in. She had no idea what happened, the last thing she remembered, was the cold feeling of metal, as a lance pierced right through her. Making her pass out almost immediately.

She saw a light and decided to walk towards it, the closer she got, the clearer the image infront of her became. A man, with long,sleek, blue hair was standing there, patiently waiting for her to come closer. A smile spread across his face. His bangs hiding his eyes. His attire was strange, he wore a black suit, with white gloves and polished shoes. He almost looked like a buttler.

"Hello, my dear. We finally meet. I have been longing to meet you for a long time now." The man said with an excited smile on his face. '"Have a seat. So we can talk about your upcoming future." he said.

Hesistantly, Estrella sat down and looked at him for a while, studying his face.

The man had green eyes, with cat like slits as pupils and his teeth were pointy at the sides.

"W...What is this place?" Estrella asked hesistantly.

"Your conscious. You seem to have given up, allthough fighting on the battlefield, there was not one ounce of fire behind your words was there? As soon as you saw what Raoul did to you and your kingdom, you felt nothing but sorrow, pain, maybe even anger. You fought and fought, but not because you wanted your kingdom back, is it?" he said with a kind smile.

"...What other reason would i have?" Estrella said avoiding the strangers face.

"Because you wanted to let him feel the same pain he made you feel." he said with a soft smile.

"Ridicilous." Estrella said rolling her eyes.

"What will you do if you win this war. Estrella?" he asked again with a smile upon his face.

"What? I will restore my kingdom of course." Estrella said appalled.

"And what will happend to him? Will you be able to kill him, if you have to?" he asked, again casually,

"K..Kill?" she stuttered. Suddenly Estrella remembered the day, where it all started. For years, she has been stuck in a void, of nothingness and sorrows. That was until they met, that she saw him for the first time. She remebered that time, where they first met, at the bazar. His soft smile, his kind voice, his soft touch. The days they spend together, after. Was it all show? Was the light that sought to rescue her.. fake ?

Tears ran down her cheeks as she started to sob uncontrollably, it was all part of his plan.

She was just a puppet in his game. A game of pretend and she happend to be the fool.

She clenched her hands together as she bit her lip,angry that she was waisting tears on a being like this.

The being infront of her spoke again as he grabbed her hands. „Your heart is in your way. You need to stop letting your emotions guide you, think rational not emtional. In order to control your powers to your fullest,you need to let go of your human heart." he said smiling.

„Huh? But then how will i live?" Estrella asked scared.

„Silly, you are an immortal being not a human, we dont need hearts to keep us living we got like sixty other organs to do that for us. Follow my movements." The instructor said as he pushed his hand into his chest,before pulling out a heart in his hand. „Like so, and now crush it. Dont worry, it will regenerate again."

Estrella followed the movements like asked before she hesistantly crushed her heart in her hand. She felt heat flushing through her body and her head was pulsating. „Argh! What have you done!?"

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