Chapter 3 - War

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Whilst the kingdom of Asis was preparing for war the other seven kingdoms were at a standstill. Consulting with their strategists and hiding in their castles themselves, they tried their best to not draw any unecessary attention to them. But since there wasn't much to do either way, one king was spending his whole day just watching the every move of the Asis kingdom.  

Helios has always been a peaceful and quiet kingdom. Being one of the richest realms between the seven, they chose to withdraw from their right to figt in a War and rather  build an alliance with Fenrir, the Kingdom of Contracts. The deal was, as long as there would be a war Helios would remain neutral and never participate in the war itself. Rather they would show generousity and sponsor the Kingdoms if they would ever run low on their riches. 

As Azalar stepped infront of the window, his dark red long hair shone in the moonlight. His skin was pale and his eyes, green like emeralds. Everyday, he had hoped that the war would finally end but after he had heard, that Estrella herself wouldn't be standing on the war field, he had lost all hope. 

He believed in the  idea that Estrella, would be the one, strong enough to end this War in the blink of an eye, to this day he wasn't very sure why she chose to hide in her castle and just let her troops fight in her name. Yet, was he any better ? He was also hididng behind his gold, his riches and the contracts he has built with the other kingdoms. He burried his face in his hands as he sighed deeply in desperation. Had he known that it had come like this, he wouldn't have made the hasty desicion to not part take in the war. 

Suddenly a loud bang could be heard from outside, slowly he lifted his head and looked outside. In disbelief he widened his eyes and his body began to tremble in excitment.  Estrella finally made her way on the field. Her dark aura surrounded the whole battlefield, as the Holy Descenders, suddenly stopped their attacks. Slowly the despicable beings, turned their heads in fear. 

"Hello, lovely Birdies. I would love to invite you to a cup of tea but unfortunately i already have too many unwanted guests in my house. So, i must ask you to leave." Estrella said with a grin on her face as she pointed her Scythe towards them. 

For a moment Azlar held his breath, as the number of Angels in the Sky suddenly increased. 

"There are too many of them, no way she will-", but he had to cut himself off, as Estrella's Scythe suddenly transformed into spears that shot through each of the descendants, making them drop to the ground. That was just the beginning though, with a smirk on her face Estrella leaped forward and wielded her scythe, piercing through each of the Angels body, as she left nothing behind but a trail of blood and the screams of agony. 

Slowly realizing their defeat, the heavenly creatures tried to get away but Estrella would grab them in the blink of an eye and tear them apart with her own hands, jamming her claws through their flesh. 

What the kingdoms didn't understand, was  that Estrella, didn't step on the field because of cowardness but rather because the war would be over too quickly. Since the war gave her some sort of excitement, she wanted to strech it out for as long as she could but now that she has had a taste of blood, she couldn't hold herself back anymore. 

With each step forward, she slayed a dozen more of the heavenly Army's soldiers. Her eye colour became more warm, and her cat like pupils formed to thinner slits as she was unable to control her bloodlust anymore. The warriors of God became more aware of her presence on the field, as they summoned more reinforcements to come to their aid. 

Estrella laughed holding one of the Angels head in her hands, as she looked at it with a disturbing smile on her face. Almost psychotic. In a calm manner, she spoke to the head. 

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