Chapter 6 - Guidance

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Virgil roamed around the castle, nervously. Now that Estrella was gone  and Raoul took over the kingdom for him, he should be on top of the mountain right now. Yet, he felt this weird feeling in his chest, was it remorse ? No , why would he feel remorseful after all this is what he wanted , he would finally be King! The throne was always meant for him. It was his birthright to be the King and as far as he was concerned, he was the only one fit for it.

Yet , as he saw Raoul using the holy descenders to dismember the people of Aesis, he was suddenly filled with rage.  The plan was to make the people of Aesis bow to them and accept Virgil as it's new ruler. Not to kill them all. Furious he went into Raoul's old room almost blasting the door open.

"What is the meaning of this Raoul?!" He shouted.

Raoul rolled his eyes as he was sitting infront of a mirror shaving his face.

"Whatever could you mean, Virgil?" He sighed dramatically as he moved the razor blade along his addams apple up to his chin and cheeks. As he was done he wiped his face with a wet cloth.

Virgil pointed towards the windows, as he looked at Raoul with an even angrier expression. "Don't play dumb with me, you fucking dirty angel! You ordered your men, to kill our people! We had a deal, you wanted to help me become king but now im starting to feel, as though you want to take over the kingdom yourself." Raoul looked at him with a blank expression before he cracked a smile, bursting out into laughter. 

"Oh dear, you should see the look on your face. You are so serious all of a sudden, maybe you started to realize that killing off, innocent lives isn't as easy as you, always painted it out to be." Raoul said smirking. 

Virgil crossed his arms infront of his chest as his eyes glew red, and his long black hair, started to turn slightly purple. " never wanted to help, me become king, did you?" 

"Why would i want you to become king, when all i have to do is lock away the empress and order my men to kill you all one by one? That would be kind of a waste of time now, wouldn't it be?" He laughed menacingly as he walked over to Virgil, putting his hand on his shoulder. "You were more fun, as a pawn. Now you are overthinking things. I am a consultant after all, if i wanted to be king, i would have just married Estrella right here and there." 

Virgil was about to say something as Killigen suddenly appeared behind, Raoul holding him by his neck in place. 

"Hello, Raoul, i think we haven't been introduced to each other yet. Allthough, i have heard many suspicious things about you from my brother Zandrick. Care to explain to me where, Estrella is ?" he said squeezing his throat tighter, as Raoul slowly started to choke out. 

Meanwhile in the kingdom of Helios,  Estrella became more and more anxious with each day. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to help her, kingdom in her current state truly occupied her mind. Never in her life, has she felt this powerless before, not even when she chose to lock herself for days behind that red forbidden door, of hers letting the descendars of heaven nag on her flesh and bones. Nervously, she trotted around her new room, which has been prepared for her. For days , she tried to figure out a plan on how to best inflitrate the kingdom or how to get her powers back, but every possibility she planned in her head, seemed impossible to do in her current state. 

A sudden door knock, drew her out of her thoughts and snapped her back to reality. 

"C-Come in." she said nervously as the door opened slowly. It was Alazar, holding a cup of tea and a, what seemed to look like an air diffuser. He placed everything carefully on her night stand as he bowed infront of her, with a smile on his face. 

"You seem unwell, Empress. I brought some refreshments for you. I suspected you would have trouble sleeping after so many terrible things, have happend to you." he said with an emphatic smile. "If there is anything i can do for you, please let me know and i will help you as best as i can." 

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