11. Chloe

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Chloe- Emblem3

Warning: This will be a very cheesy and sad chapter, so be careful.

Also I put in some pics of Emblem3 and 5sos, that last on is 5sos, Emblem3 (drew is now a solo artist tho so idk), and the janoskians, I just figured to add that in. (I'll probably use a different collage later)


Michael woke up the next morning, snuggled up next to Luke.

He looked at the boy that was holding him and smiled, loving the fact that he had actually achieved getting a hot boyfriend.

Michael frowned, remembering how the kids in middle school would call him fat and ugly.

Saying he would never get someone, that no one could like him.

He wondered Why does Luke like me?

Michael could think of the sentence for the rest of the day.

It could go through his head for the whole day, floating around with the rest of his thoughts.

And it would.

He untangled himself from the boys grip and walked up to the mirror that was in the hallway.

The mirror was beautifully sculpted. With a brown frame holding different designs, creating a pattern to go around in a rectangular form around a reflecting object, the mirror.

Michael never liked the fact that the person he called a mother put mirror's around the house.

She knew that he was sensitive about his body.

Always comparing himself to the male models that were on his mother's magazine covers.

He knew he wasn't muscular.

He knew he had no abs.

He knew he couldn't show his body at the beach because people would be disgusted.

The poor boy always saw himself as fat.

Trying to be anorexic a few times, not eating anything at all writing down calories.

It ddn't work though, because when ever he tried his mother decided to order pizza, knowing Michael couldn't resist it.

He looked at himself, seeing the boy he thought was fat.

Michael couldn't stop himself from thinking it, it came to mind and it was just his viewing of himself.

You couldn't stop him from thinking it.

He looked at himself, again, seeing his shirt had been taken off.

He looked athis pudgy stomach Pocking it, thinking about the fact that it was squishy.

He was so confident yesterday, why not anymore?

So he just ignored it, but he couldn't.

After about 10 minutes of wandering around his house without a shirt on, he had lost his confidence.

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