5. Lying and a letter

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HEY GUYS............. sO mY mOm LeT mE hAvE mY lApToP bAcK CUZ i ToLd HeR i HaD tO "wRiTe A pApEr" So Im UsInG tHiS tImE tO aLmOsT gEt In TrOuBlE fOr U gUyS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Michaels POV

    Its now time for lunch and this whole day has been awkward. Full of people stares, something i am definitly not used to. Its way awkward i dont know why i just dont like public attention. While walking to lunch i pass luke and calums lockers so i just meet with them there. So all of us walked to lunch together talking about nohting.

         Me and luke snuck a few glances at eachother. The most awkward part for me is having to keep a secret from calum about me and luke.

I swear to god i have never lied to calum and this time it hurts.

Me and luke keep sneaking glances at eachother. I am sooooooo afraid that calum is going to find out, i think he knows something is going on. He keeps looking at us weirdly, not normaly. He usually has this happy freindly look but looking at him now hes not looking himself. He is smiling but he has a shimmer in his eyes.

It's Not There?

What? Why isnt he happy.

Myabe its becuase he might know something you dumbass!

"Shut up"i say to the bickering voices in my head.

I decided to ignore it, and went on with my day. The res of the day was actually pretty easy. Eventually people got ove the fact that me and and luke were actually freinds, let alone walk in the same hallway at the same time without beating up eachother. Its amazing that we were now freinds. Last week we would have been goingwild like, wild ife one eachother. (Get waht i did there, song reference.i freaking love jack and jack). When math period was over i was super happy. The next period, music, would be the last period of the day. THANK MOTHER FUCKING GOD, AMEN! I walked to my locker to put all my stuff away, and get my notebook.  As i open my locker a note falls out.

Dear michael,

        come over my house later okay? ; )



I walk to class with luke considering were both i that period everyone is back to staring at us. I cant stand this, my anxiety is starting to kick in. While walking i think luke notices and tells me to calm myself. Right now im feeling lost at sea (there it is again) Luke tells me

"Its okay just find a way to breath" (Whats wrong with me)

We finally get to class it feelin like ages, but only a few minutes.

Lord teach me how to swim in this school.

Is what i think while i walk to class.

As i sit down i decide to answer luke even though the letter isnt entirely a question.

"Hey luke"

I say as he sits down.


Well he seems happy.

"SO are u gonna come over my house after school? did you even get my letter?"

"Yes luke i got ur letter and i guess i have nothing better to do other than eat pizza and play video games. Be fore class starts he whisper in my ear

"Good becuase i want to have some alone time, There so many things i want to do to your body."

He gets up and walk to his asighned seat. And i definatly caught that glimpse he threw across the room.

I swear to god that boy takes me on a flight.

He is intoxiating. He is my happy little pill, even if we just became friends last week.

Then the class starts. I blank out the whole class and just think of luke.

What was he talking about when he whispered to me?

What does he mean?


The bell snaps me out of my trance and i grab my note book and walk out of class. I put my book in my locker and feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see pearly blue eyes staring into my emrald green ones.


"Hey luke"

"Hey mike u ready to go"

"Yup lets go luke"

Hey guys so this was basically just a filler chapter, this week i will write a whole one, one that isnt super short like this. Any way this is some thing i posted earlier so i copy and pasted it pls read it and do what it says if you want. You can look at my profile and message if ur confused so .......

heeeeyyyyy guys so I have my laptop beck, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any way I want to do something. Like write stories dedicated to you guys! So how bout we do this------- Send or post something to me about your ships. Now I have a problem....... I only do two groups,,,,, sorry!!!!!!!! Any way it is the janoskians and 5 seconds of summer. So basically just tell me ur ship and tell me the story you want me to do. I would rather you privately tell me so people don't know and so it can be a surprise. I will write at least a few parts for the story, depends what its about. I will probably make them short stories but they will be dedicated to you guys! Anyways luv u guys and PEACE BITCHES!


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