12. Stressed Out

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Stressed Out- Twenty One pilots

Okay I actually found out what I wanted to write rn so this is it and umm yeah, enjoy.

Third POV

Finals were coming up and Luke and Michael were freaking out.

The two boys hadn't study, considering Michael seemed to maintain okay grades and he didn't really need to study he wasn't freaking out that much.

Luke was another story.

He was definitely not the smartest person in the school, and he seemed to be the dumbest kid in school.

He was flipping out because his mom had told him that if he didn't study and failed the test he would be grounded.

Meaning no parties and Luke couldn't let that happen.

So he tried to study the next morning as fast as he could during breakfast.

But that didnt really help. He hadn't been able to absorb all the information, meaning he was going to most likely flunk the first test, history.

His history teacher was names Mr. Cashier.(who knows who that is)

Now the teacher wasn't mean all the time, he was a pretty fun teacher. But if you didn't do your work or you didn't listen and disobeyed his rules he would be really mad.

Since Michael was pretty smart before history class, which they had together. He wanted to talk about cheating. He knew it was bad but Michael was his boyfriend and he was dumbfounded when it came to history.

He was walking down the hall to period 3, history, when he saw his Michael at his locker.

He wrapped his arms around Michael waist and dug his face in the soft dyed red hair. (Just saying I'm gonna keep Michaels hair red, until he changes it be it will be easier for me. If I said something else sorry)

Michael giggles turning around to be greeted with a little peck on the lips and a quiet 'hey".

"Hey lukey, what's up" Michael said to the.boy who was deciding whether or not to ask his question.

"So you know how I suck at history and we have the history test this period?" Luke asked, walking down the hall with the green eyed boy.
"Let me guess you want to cheat?" Michael asked seeming to know what Luke was going to ask.

"Well, I wanted to know- wait what?"

"You want to cheat. Babe I can't help you cheat I dont want to get in trouble. But trust me, I know you can do it. Your smart just try to remember what you've heard in the class." Michael said, encouraging his blonde boyfriend. He gave him a peck on the lips and dragged them to their next class which would be torture.

They didn't have any books in hand considering they were having a test.

Luke was freaking. Pulling on his hair, biting his lip.

Luke's POV (Only for a moment tho)

'I'm freaking out. I know Michael said I could do this but I can't, I know I cant'

The thoughts flew through my mind.

I'm gonna fail this test I just know I am.

I'm stressed so much. I've been freaking out about this since yesterday.

I can feel my lip bleeding from where I've been biting it. My head is starting to hurt from when I've been pulling it.

I can feel my hair going gray. And when it does I'm gonna have to dye it like Michael and my hair will end up falling out by the time I'm 30 also.

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