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Hayley starts writing about the enemies in Mystic Falls as their enemy count is more than the Mikaelsons.

"Okay so after you all left-" Lizzie starts but Hope stops her "No, not after Mikaelson's, start from when my dad came back here and turned Tyler Lockwood," Hope says.

They all were thinking when they see a face-time coming from Caroline, Hope answers it and connects it to the laptop she just bought.

The three of them were expecting to see only Caroline but they see Damon and Tyler with her.

"Hayley Marshall, back from the dead, so good to see you," Damon says with sarcasm.

"Damon Salvatore, last I heard you were heartbroken and your brother was on the run when my family helped him," Hayley replies.

"Your family?" Tyler comments.

"Yeah, my family, the one you tried to destroy because of your stupid revenge game, remember?"  Hayley asks him and he shuts up, deep down knowing that he screwed up big time.

"Let's not go there now, okay?" Hayley says and he nods,

"Weird mixture of enemies, friends, and frenemies come together in past, no idea how or what in hell to do," Lizzie mutters and Hope laughs.

"Well we can at least end a few enemies for the sake of our friends and family while also trying to find answers to our condition," Hope says and Lizzie nods.

"We were writing down all your enemies that we need to take down," Lizzie says and Hope nods.

"Good then let's put Klaus Mikaelson on top of it," Damon says and Tyler nods smirking but Hope just returns a dry laugh as she looks at the two.

"Watch your tongue, I am not the one with a lot of patience and if any of you little imbeciles somehow manage to harm him in any way possible, I am gonna bring him back even if I have to kill the entire Mystic Falls as a sacrifice to make that happen," Hope tells them calmly.

"Okay, so I will help you with the names and how to kill them, then what?" Caroline asks as she tries to change the subject.

"Then we all tick them off our lists, one by one, while I also try to figure out what this is and why are we here," Hope says and Lizzie nods with the plan.

"No, these are not your fights, you're going to stay back and let the people who screwed up handle it," Hayley tells her daughter in a stern voice, Hope tries to object but her mother shuts her down again.

"There's no way I am gonna let my daughter in a war zone even if you're immortal," Hayley adds and Caroline nods.

"You both stay out of it and just try to figure out how we are here and what is happening in our world," Caroline says.

"I am not letting you go to a fight as a mortal, even if you're a vampire, you can die," Hope says as she looks at her mother who sighs.

"Then turn me," Hayley says but Hope shakes her head "Not enough, you were a hybrid before but what happened you died, remember?" Hope asks her mom who looks down.

"We'll talk about this later but now we write the names first," Lizzie says and they all nod as they start with the names Caroline also starts writing the name on the side.

"Mikael," Caroline says and Hayley nods as she writes the name.

"Original witch, Esther," Damon adds as Hayley keeps writing the names down,

"Brotherhood of the five, hunters," Tyler adds,

"Silas," Lizzie says,

"Before that Hayley and Doctor Shane," Damon says and Hayley glares at him,

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