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They all walk inside the compound and decide to talk in the dining room where Marcel, Hope, and Hayley had bourbon-filled glasses in their hands while Lizzie was drinking blood, and Davina was having some type of tea.

"What if it's another monster's doing?" Lizzie asks Hope who shakes her head "No, it's not possible, I killed Malivore, there's no way he can come back and at this time Landon doesn't even exist yet," Hope replies then both best friends look at others who were listening to their conversation and looking at them with wide eyes.

"Monster?" Davina asks, "Malivore?" Marcel asks, and Hayley just looks at her daughter before rushing towards her and hugging her tightly "Are you okay? What are you talking about?" Hayley asks her daughter and looks at her with concern, worry, and love-filled eyes.

"It's a long story, mom, and right now we have to focus on this first, I'll you all about this later," Hope tells her mother who still looked unsure, Hayley looks at Marcel and Davina who nods at her then the workers come and place the food in front of them, everyone start eating but Hope doesn't even touch her food.

Hope was looking deep in thought which was now a very occurrence for them then she starts speaking "My doubt was correct, not everyone remembers, only a few of us, and only when I, Lizzie, or Caroline, come in front of them," Hope tells them and Hayley looks confused.

"But why? I mean, is it even possible that we're really in past?" Hayley asks them and Davina nods "well it is past, I mean it looks like it or maybe we're in some kind of alternate universe," Lizzie says, Marcel, Hayley, and Davina laugh.

But Hope ignores it and keeps thinking about her theory, Marcel calls her "Sorry yeah, what were you saying?" Hope asks as she looks at Marcel "Are you okay? you zoned out," Marcel says and Hope nods as she looks around to see everyone just looking at her with concerned looks.

"I am fine, I just think I have an idea of what might've happened and how we came back in time, I mean we're talking about coming back in time in which Lizzie and I are months and years away from even being conceived," Hope says as she pulls out her dairy and shows it to Lizzie, and Davina who looks shocked.

"I mean it only happens like one in a million times, something this big and huge, I don't think it's possible," Davina says and Lizzie nods in agreement "Hope, something like this needs a huge amount of power, I know you're strong, but do you really think that this all happened because of the force of your will?" Lizzie asks her best friend.

"I know, but is there any other theory you have that I don't know of, think about it, every time when someone says that something is impossible it somehow becomes possible with me," Hope explains and stands up from her seat "What are you all talking about?" Hayley asks and Hope explains.

"It kind of like having this strong force of will when combined with your powers can alter the course of events, mostly future but in our case, it sends us back to change our past, it can happen to anyone but it's rare and it's an actual miracle," Hope says and Marcel still looked confused.

"I have a strong force of will, I wish things to happen and sometimes when that wish or that will is so strong and it merges with my magic and a strong emotion, I am the reason why we're in the past," Hope says as she gets up from her seat.

"The day dad returned from New Orleans, we spent the entire day together and he told me something which even the followers of hollow believed, and that's why they Inadu tried taking over my body," Hope tells them and they all tense as it was not just that she was talking about Klaus but also that she was talking about Hollow, the thing that took her father from her.

"I am going to be the greatest witch this world may ever know, I am not just a firstborn Mikaelson witch who is already cursed to be born with a devastating amount of power but I am also the first witch descendant of hollow in the past fifteen hundred years of untapped magic," Hope explains which makes others look at her with wide eyes.

"I am a vampire who doesn't burn in sun or can get killed even by a white oak stake, a wolf who isn't beholden by the moon, and a witch with an unspeakable amount of black magic practically running through my veins, I am a tribrid, which in itself is impossible," Hope tells them and they nod.

"I am just saying think about it, I've been going to the same deck every day for the past ten years and wishing the same thing for the last three, that somehow I get the chance to change our past, to change my family's past, to have my family with me again," Hope says as she voice broke.

"Remember Lizzie, how I was talking about my father and the kind of life he had when we saw the bright light coming from the water?" Hope asks and the blonde nods "I clearly remember the kind of power I was feeling in my body at the moment but I just ignored it, thinking it was only heightened because of my vampire side but what if it wasn't?" Hope asks them again.

"What if the power that I was feeling somehow merged with my will and the emotions I was feeling didn't help at all, I was feeling regret, guilt, and anger which probably led to a magic burst, and the next thing we knew, we were in nineteen years in past, all three of us, I say they just got sent because they were with me," Hope tells them and the theory actually started to make sense to them.


"Wait, wait, wait, so you're saying that we're in past because of Klaus's daughter who was missing her daddy," Damon comments and Hope clenches her hand but decides to stay quiet while Caroline on the other side punches him.

"Yeah something like that," Lizzie says, "Then why do only a few of us remember everything that's going to happen and not everyone?" Tyler asks and Lizzie shrugs but Hope starts "I have a theory for that too," she says.

"Only the ones who have or had the same feelings as me are going to remember the past-future, like for example my uncle Vincent didn't have any regrets or anger or guilt of anything that happened and he moved on with his life with a clean slate," Hope tells them and they nod. 

"While Marcel, who I think still somehow feels regret, guilt, and anger for being the reason behind why I had to live without my father and family for the first five years of my life, and then again when I finally had my father back, he was taken away from us yet again and this time for good," Hope says as she looks at her brother who nods and looks down.

"I don't exactly know what everyone feels but I can tell for some of us like mom, feels regret about the decisions she made, Davina, feels guilty because she tried to kill my father multiple times and was somewhat the reason behind why the prophecy came true," Hope says and both Davina and Hayley nod.

"Damon, I think you feel anger and guilt for letting your brother die and not stopping him because we can fully understand how hard it is to lose a family member, Tyler, I hope you feel regret for your actions because even after everything my father did, nothing will ever be able to come even close to what you tried to do," Hope says and Damon looks down and nods while the tribrid glares at Tyler who also nods.

"Whereas Caroline and Lizzi remember everything because the three of us got sent back together and I can assure you that if we wouldn't have been together then they wouldn't have come back with me, no one else did from our time except for the three of us," Hope tells them and both of the blondes nod in agreement.

"I need some time to figure all this out but if my theory is right then there is a big chance that our timeline doesn't exist anymore," Hope tells them then she takes a deep breath "And now we have nothing but a chance to change everything for good, and I am taking it," Hope says and others nod.

"Anyone who stands in my way will be treated as just another name on my list," Hope says as she looks at the three who were on face timing with them, she knew no one from this room will ever cross her because they all lived for her but she wasn't sure about Tyler and Damon.

"Tonight we will start with our plan, and you also have to defeat all your enemies, we will help but only when needed, and no one contacts my father or Stefan about anything," Hope tells them and leaves the room "You all can have your introductions and make plans, we will be leaving as soon as the sun goes down," Hope says and leaves the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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