With Love.. ( Jack and Finn Harries )

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Something about…

Bella; Bella is a 18 year old girl how has a twin, she was born in the UK, and got bullied  when she was 13 years old. But she still believes in herself, no matter what.

Beau; Beau is Bella’s twin brother, who loves her a lot and cares about her to! He post video’s of his self to on Youtube, so he is a Youtuber to!

Cara; Cara is Bella’s best friend they are always together! She understands Bella like no one ever will! She is also a supermodel!

I took my white horse and went to forest near ours house, when we reached the lake I got off my horse. I walked to the lake and sat down just to watch the beautiful view, I looked at the water and saw my own reflection, I saw my own dark brown hair and green eyes. I heard someone shout my name. ‘’Bella!’’ I heard it again, I looked after me and saw Cara running at me.

 ‘’Heey!’’ I was waiting so long!’’ I said as she hugs me.

‘’Sorry, I totally forgot the time!’’

‘’It doesn’t matter.’’

‘’Did you bring your guitar with you?’’ Cara asked me.

‘’Yeah, I did! But you still didn’t tell me why I had to bring it with me! I sad with the guitar  in my hands.

‘’You told me you wrote a new song! And I really want to hear it!’’

‘’No! I didn’t finish it yet!’’

‘’Aaah! So.. You wanted to talk about something?’’

‘’No, not really’’. I said looking in her blue eyes.

  ‘’Oh… Ok..’’ She said smiling at me.

‘’Yeah do you want to sleep over at mine?’’ I asked looking at her and waiting for her answer.

‘’Yeah! Lets go!’’

We jumped on the back of Rose that was the name of my horse.

After 20 minutes we reached the house, when we arrived we went straight to my bedroom.  I heard the door bell, as I opened the door I saw him…

‘’What are you doing here?’’ I asked looking at him smiling at me.

‘’Bella I came here for a second chance, and to steal your heart again.’’ He said, thinking I would forget what happened.

‘’I’m going say it one time, we are never ever getting back together!’’ I said with no expression on my face.

‘’Bella! Everybody deserves a second chance!’’ He said with fake tears in his eyes.

‘’Some people deserve a second chance!’’ I said.

‘’Don’t tell me you don’t love me because I know you do! And you know that I love you even more!’’ He said.

‘’If you really loved me, you would never try to hurt my feelings!’’ I said and took a step back to close the door, and not listing to him.

I ran upstairs and told Cara what happened.

‘’What a sucker! Like… NO! You can’t breakup with a girl for another one, and then ask if she wants to get together! That’s just wrong!’’ Cara said, while looking thru the window.

‘’Yeah…’’ I said thinking about the past.. Like when I was 13 and got called ugly, and when I got in a fight with my bullies. When I met Cara for the first time, and how we met… Sometimes it’s hard to be yourself but changing won’t help..  

‘’Bella, could you get something to eat?’’ Cara asked me.

‘’Yeah, sure.’’

 ‘’Hi, Bella!!’’ Beau said, but the only thing I could look to was the boy standing next to him.

With Love.. ( Jack and Finn Harries )Where stories live. Discover now