Chapter 18

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"Finn" the doctor said, and then paused. 

"Yeah doctor, is he going to be alright?" I asked, worried. 

"There's a small chance that..He might.." 

"Might what? Die? Stay alive?" Jack said interrupting the doctor hysterically. 

"There's a small chance that he might live, he will probably stay in a coma for at least 8 months, after that, the chance that he might live is one in a million..."

 Jack was quiet, he was so shocked and scared. I mean no one could ever possibly image something like this happening to your own brother, it's weird... I decided not to say anything, but to just be quiet. But what if Finn dies, Jack wouldn't be able to deal with that, at all actually I know him, he's actually very sensitve and weak for a man. Finn has always been there with him, they were always together, you couldn't have Jack without Finn, it just wasn't right. I looked at him. Nothing he didn't look back, he was sitting in the exact same position as he was 38 minutes ago, with the same look. Nothing had changed. I wonder if he still has hope. 


He looked at me. Tears in his eyes. I couldn't help, he was so beautiful. Nothing would hit me more then crying me, especially my Jack, it made me so sad, and the worse part was that I couldn't do anything at all. 

"Are you ok?" I know it was a stupid queestion, but I had to say something right? 

He didn't say anything. 

"I think it's better for you if we leave" 

I stood up, and pulled his hand, so he would stand up too, we walked away, hand in hand. 

With Love.. ( Jack and Finn Harries )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat