Chapter 13

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Me and Cara didn’t speak to each other the whole journey. And Maia noticed that, but she didn’t wanted to ask, because she knew that if she would me and Cara would end up fighting again.

‘’We’re almost there!’’ Maia said happy to be home again. Nobody really answered her, I only looked at her and smiled.

When the plane landed, we we’re waiting for my parents to come and get us, they went home 2 days ago.

‘’Does anybody sees them?’’ I asked looking around.

‘’Nope, but I think that car is coming our way.’’ Maia answered while pointing at the black car she was talking about.

‘’Yeah, that’s not my dad or moms car thought.’’ I said confused. The car stopped in front of us, and Beau came out of the car.

‘’Hey Beau I thought mom and dad we’re coming to pick us.’’ I said walking to the car.

‘’Yes, they we’re but we asked them if we could pick you up and it was fine by them.’’

‘’What do you mean with ‘we’?’’

‘’Jack and Finn wanted to come to.’’

OK, I wouldn’t have any problem with them coming with Beau if me and Cara didn’t have a fight in the plane, about Jack. But this means that this ride would be awkward as hell. I stepped in the car, and saw Jack. I sat behind him and said ‘’Hello’’ to him and he answered me. Maia came and sat next to me, and next to her was Finn. That means Cara was sitting in front with Beau who was driving the car.

‘’Missed you!’’ Jack said a little shy.

‘’Missed you too.’’ I said also shy.

That’s how me and Jack started the conversation, I had to admit that I was not 100% over him. But I really felt sorry for Cara… But it was her fault after all. I looked next to me and saw Maia and Finn laughing and having a good time.

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