Chapter 15

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‘’Where are you staying?’’ I asked Cara after about 10 minutes silence.

‘’By you, I guess.’’

‘’OK, that’s good.’’ I said walking to the door with Cara following me. We didn’t say something, Cara knew where everything was, so she could help herself out. I was writing in my diary, but then I heard Cara’s voice saying sorry to me, I couldn’t stay mad at her because she really meant it. I guess it’s all good then.

I woke up to the sound of music. I was confused, so I decided to wake Cara up to ask her where the noise came from. It was her phone, she told me to answer, because she was too tired to do it herself.

‘’Hello, with Bella.’’

‘’BELLA!!’’ I heard Maia’s voice screaming through the phone.

‘’Why the hell are you calling at 1 pm?’’ After saying that I remembered that we forgot to set our clocks on UK time.

‘’ME AND FINN WERE IN HIS CAR, AND WE HAD AN ACCIDENT!!’’ Maia said with a hysterical voice.

‘’OMG are you guys alright?’’ I said worried.

‘’I am… But Finn went to the hospital..’’

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I ran to Cara and told her the story as we didn’t even dress up, we jumped in the car of to the hospital where Finn and Maia where. I drove so fast, and I really didn’t give anything about our safety. In about 10 minutes we arrived to the hospital, and we found Maia sitting on a chair, and crying non-stop.

I ran to her and hugged her tight. And so did Cara.

‘’Tell us what happed!!’’ Cara said to Maia worried about Finn.

‘’I really didn’t see anything, because I was looking at Finn…’’ Maia said with a depressed voice.

Nobody wanted to say anything, or actually nobody knew anything to say. After 3 hours the door from Finn’s room opens and a doctor came out of it. He walked to Maia’s direction, probably to tell her the news.

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