chapter 17

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I looked around, and I saw a red alarm bottom, and I saw doctors running to the room where Finn is.

‘’What’s happening?’’ Cara asked through her tears.

‘’It can’t be..’’ I said looking confused.

‘’Finn, he is still alive!’’ I said turning to Cara.

I knew it, it couldn’t end this way, Finn still had a breath of life inside him. Maia came outside, not knowing what to say.

‘’Oh my god.. I can’t believe it, Finn is still alive!’’ Maia said with happiness in her voice. Maia sat down with a smile from ear to ear, I walked to Jack, and hugged him tight, I looked up to him, and he kissed me with passion. It was the best kiss ever, I could feel his body close to mine, he was warm.

A few minutes later I saw more doctors heading to Finn’s room, I began to worry. After two hours the doctor that told us the bed news from before came, we all watched him slowly walk out way, as if he had the time of the world. He stood in front of us now.

‘’Is Finn al right?’’ Jack asked worried, but calm. 

With Love.. ( Jack and Finn Harries )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum