Chapter 8

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‘’Hello’’ The guy said, leaning on our table.

‘’Yeah…umm… Bye…’’ Cara said, looking confused.

‘’Do we know you, or something?’’ Maia asked the guy.

‘’Not really’’ He said looking me in the eye. I was the only one not talking.

‘’But.. I wanted to ask you a little question’’ He said speaking to me.

‘’Yeah… go on’’ I said waiting for him to continue talking.

‘’Do you what to go out with me?’’ He asked.

‘’No, sorry.’’ I said trying to escape the awkwardness. He turned around without saying anything, and left.

‘’OK, that was awkward…’’ I said stirring my sorbet with my spoon.

‘’Let’s go to my house.’’ Maia said while standing up.

( 1 week later, in Australia….)

‘’’FINALLY!! We arrived!!’’ I said looking out of the window.

‘’It’s hot here…’’ Maia said looking tired.

‘’Let’s check in the hotel, and get some rest.’’ I said walking to the hotel, with Maia and Cara after me. As we checked in, and went to our room, I heard someone knocking on the door. I went to open.

‘’Hello.’’ A boy with brown hair and blue eyes. A voice in my head said that I was staring as an idiot at him, but I didn’t care because I knew that I probably won’t see him again.


‘’I guess that I knocked on the wrong door.’’ He said looking away.

‘’Never mind, honey.’’ I said. Omg did I really just called him ‘’honey’’?

‘’Haha OK, bye.’’ He said smiling at me. I closed the door while I was still in shock that I called him ‘’honey’’. 

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