Chapter 19

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I decided to let Jack sleep over at mine, it would be better for him to stay away from his home because it might remind him if Finn. 

"He's not going to be okay is he?"

"Jack, I suggest you should rest a little bit, we'll go visit him tomorrow" I said, avoiding to answer his question. He didn't answer me, and turned around. I didn't know what to do, I've never had to deal with something like this, we'll at least, I didn't know how to comfort anyone. At all. 

I was relieved that both my parents we're on vacation, and God knows where Beau is. I  went upstares, where Jack was. He was sitting by the window. 

"Jack, I know it's a hard time right now, but you're not helping anyone, or yourself by acting like this."

"What am I supposed to do then?"

"Get some rest, like I said, and tomorrow we're going to go check on Finn as soon as we wake up." Again, he did not answer me. He moved toward my bed, and sat on the edge of it. He rested his head in the palm of his two hands, that leaned on his knees. He didn't say or do anything for a few minutes. 

I didn't know what to do, or what to say. But worse, how Finn was doing. I had to think of what could passibly happen. Okay, the most likely thing to happen is that Finn stays in a coma for eight months like the doctor said. Eight months is long, and Jack would probably lose hope by than. What would happen to Jack if Finn stayed in a coma for that long, maybe he would suffer from mental illness, get depressed. Or he could get over it, but because I knew Jack, I also knew that he  wouldn't get over Finn's death. If Finn dies. 

I think it's not even the worse thing that could happen, the worst thing that could possibly happen is that Finn passes away tomorrow, before we get the chance to visit him then. Jack wouldn't be able to deal with all this chaos in only two days. 

I heard Jack move, which stopped me from thinking about the worst possible thing that could happen. 

"Where can I go sleep?" 

"Where do you want to sleep?" I said, giving him the option to sleep next to me or alone in Beau's room. 

"Next to you, if you wouldn't mind." 

Jack's choice frozen me, we had never slept together, I do not know if he ever slept with another girl before, but I do know that I have never even zonk out next to a boy before. 

"Okay, we'll I'm gonna go get you one of Beau's pajamas." I said, turning around before waiting for an answer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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