Chapter 7

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As we sat down, the both of them looked at me waiting for me to speak. But the only thing I was thinking about was what I wanted to order.

‘’Bella, you wanted to tell us something…?’’ Maia said, wanting to know the news.

‘’Yes, you know that trip we planed… Where were going to Disneyland… I can’t go because I have to go to Australia with my parents and Beau…’’ I said waiting for their reaction. But none of them said anything. The waitress came and asked us what we wanted to order.

‘’I’ll have a sorbet.’’ I said looking to the table.

‘’Me too.’’ Cara and Maia said at the same time. The waitress took our orders, and sad she would be back in 5 minutes. There was an awkward moment of silence.

‘’If you’re not going than I’m not going too..’’ Maia said without doubt.

‘’Yeah, it’s not fun without you to!! I’m not going either, maybe next year.’’ Cara said. The waitress came with our sorbets, and we all began to drink and check our phones.

‘’Bella, we can come with you to Australia!!’’ Maia said looking to me and Cara.

‘’Yeah!! That’s actually a good idea!!’’ Cara added.

‘’Wait, I’ll call my mother to ask if there’s a problem with that!!’’ I said grabbing my phone, and typing my mother’s number in. I stood up to go outside to talk to her. I saw that Cara and Maia where looking at me through the window. Finally my mother answered the phone, and I told her their suggestions. It was all fine by mother because she knew Maia and Cara really well and loved them. I walked back to the snackbar, and sat down.

‘’So.. What  did your mother say?’’ Maia asked not knowing how to control herself anymore.

‘’She said that she would love you two to join us!’’ I said with a big smile on my face. I looked at their happy faces. I looked at the guy that was making eye contact with me. I was a little bit scared because he didn’t seem like good news. Omg, the guy stood up walking into my direction, I quickly look down. 

With Love.. ( Jack and Finn Harries )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu