𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Me and Sam make our way to the station. Not that far into the walk, her phone starts ringing. She takes it out of her pocket and my heart dropped to my feet. The contact read 'Richie Kirsch'. "What the fuck." I curse. I don't like this. "I never deleted his contact." Sam says. "This is coming from his number."

"Don't pick it up." I sternly say. Sam looked around then back at me. She answers the phone and puts it on speaker. Great, the one thing i say not to do she does. "Who is this?" Sam asks the unknown caller. A deep voice answered her on the line, "Hello, Samantha, Jessica." We both froze. "I want you to think long and hard about wether you really want to do this, because the last 2 people that fucked with us, ended up dead." Sam said, no emotion on her face.

"You should be thanking me, Sam. Jason and Greg were gonna kill you, your sister, especially Jesse." he paused for a split second, "I gutted them before they had the chance.", "So what, you're protecting us now?" Sam questions. "Not quite. I'm going to show the world who you and Jesse really are. Liars and killers. I'm going to punish you, Sam and Jesse."

"You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet asshole." Sam snaps. "Don't be cute, you're gonna pay for what you did, and i'm not gonna stop until i've butchered you, and anyone that gets between us. You, Tara, and Jesse, better watch your back." the voice said. Before he got the chance to hang up, i say one more thing. "No, you better watch your own back. Like you said yourself, we're motherfucking killers."

Before we get the chance to make a run for it, ghostface comes up from behind me and wrapping their arms around my neck. They raised their knife to stab me, but i quickly elbowed them in the face, knocking them into the bike rack behind us. Me and Sam make a run for it as fast as we can. I turn around to look and see ghostface back up and running towards us. "Sam, he's getting closer!" I yell. We frantically look around as we run. Sam spots a small corner store. "In there!" She ushes me into the store. We burst through the door, panting heavily.

"Please! Please! You've got to help us! Call 911! The killers after us!" I yell to the clerk. The man couldn't probably hear what we're trying to say because of our panicking and panting. The man behind us clears his throat. "There's a line here girls." I turned to face the man, still panicking. Just as i'm about to say something, ghostface enters the store.

"We got a problem here guy?" The man says straight to their face. Ghostface stares at the man for a second before plunging their knife rapidly into his stomach and chest. Another man in line tried to jump at ghostface, but got a single stab to the neck. Ghostface turns slowly to look at us. "Hey!" The store clerk yells. He pulls out a shotgun and cocks it back, pointing it at ghostface in the dead center of his mask. He pulls the trigger, but ghostface ducks before anything could hit them. The clerk cocked it a second time, walking to where ghostface had previously ducked, but their gone.

"Go out the back!" The clerk yells to us. I mumbled a quick thank you before me and Sam ran to the door. We make it to the door and try to open it, but it wont budge. It's locked. "Fuck!" I curse. "Keys! We need your keys!" Sam yells to the clerk. He fumbles with his belt as he tries to unhook the keys, but ghostface was already sneaking up from behind. "Watch out!" I scream to the man, but it was too late. The man tries to block ghostface, but his attempt was unsuccessful. Ghostface stabs him in the chest and punches hi in the face, knocking him to the ground. Me and Sam backed up as ghostface stood in front of the clerk. We quickly ducked behind a shelf as ghostface takes the shotgun. All that can be heard was the man begging for his life. But that wasn't enough.

Ghostface aims the shotgun at the clerk and pulls the trigger. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." I whosper under my breath. Ghostface cocks the gun and aims it at the shelf we are behind. He slowly moves towards the shelf as me and Sam slowly made our way or exit. Ghostface shot the shelf we were behind. I flinched at the loud bang. Me and Sam stayed still and as silent as possible as ghostface made his way closer to where we were hiding, taunting us as he strolls down the aisle. Sam carefully and stealthy picks up a beer can and throws it in the opposite direction, giving us time to make a run for it, or technically a crawl for it.

Sam motions for me to crawl the opposite way towards the exit. I did so and she followed. I tried to be as quiet as i could considering we were crawling on top of broken glass, popped chips, and spilled drinks. I put my hand down on the ground and accidentally put too much pressure on a piece of glass causing it to break. "Shit." I muttered to myself. Me and Sam stopped moving and i froze. Ghostface sure as hell heard that and turned his head slowly looking at the shelves next to him. He quickly snapped his head back around to me and Sam. We acted fast and pushed the shelf over on top of them as we ran out of the store as fast as we could. The police showed up the second we ran out.

"Great timing. Where the fuck were y'all when ghostface had a fucking shotgun to us." I mutter to myself. I ran up to Sam and hugged her tightly. I'm not a hugging erson, but from what we juse went through, i don't know if this will be my last. "Oh my fucking god i can't believe we made it out alive." Sam stroked my hair as I rested my chin on her shoulder. She turned to look in the store and so did i. Ghostface was no where to be found. "He went through the back door!" One of the police officers shouted. The back door was open and slightly swinging from when they ran out. We looked down and there was their mask. Sitting there on the ground right before our eyes. I looked back at Sam and she did the same, shrugging at me. The police ushered us into their car as they taped off the scene. As soon as we sat down, i could feel everything soaking in. The running. The blood. The sound of the gunshots replaying in my head. The clerk beging for his life. I can't believe this is all happening. Not again.

A/N: chapter 3 done! that was scurry

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A/N: chapter 3 done! that was scurry.

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