𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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Tears roll down my face as we sit in the ambulance, Mindy's arm wrapped around me with a blanket. I feel so bad for Mindy. She had to watch the fucking love of her life die right in front of her. No one should go through that kind of pain. Her face is red and puffy from crying. I lay my head on Mindy's shoulder and rub little circles on her hand to try and comfort her as a soft cry escapes her mouth every few minutes. I close my eyes for a split second to get some rest. "Chad?" i hear a familiar voice say. I open my eyes and see Chad stomping over to the voice. It was Ethan. He was the only one not there last night. No, it can't be him. Not again.

Chad grabs Ethan by the shirt and throws him against a van. "Where were you?" he spits. Ethan furrows his brows. "What? When?" he questions. "Last night!" Chad bangs his body against the van again. "What? I had Econ. You know this." Ethan defends. "Bullshit, man! You dissapear and my sister almost gets killed!", "Dude, i was in a study hall with a hundred other people. You can ask any of them."

Chad glares one last time before he lets Ethan go. "Fuck, man." Ethan looks over to the body bags on the ground. "Oh my god, who? Please tell me that's not Jesse in one of those bags." Chad shakes his head. "Anika and Quinn." Ethan looks over to us, his eyes softening as he looks at Mindy. "Mindy, i'm so sorry." He says. "Step the fuck back." Mindy tightens her grip on my shoulder, "You're at the top of my list.", "I had Econ!" Ethan defends. "Please, Jes, you've gotta believe me." I sigh. "I'm sorry, E."

"You should've thought about that before you killed my love and had Jesse dangling 200 feet in the air from the fucking window!" Mindy yells. Ethan takes a few steps back. "Please. Just let me talk to Jesse." he begs. "Hell no. You're batshit crazy if you think i'm letting Jes anywhere near your ghostface ass." Mindy glares. "Mindy, it's alright," I say, "We'll just be over here where you can see." Mindy removes her arm from around me and glares at Ethan once more. "Don't try anything. If you do i'm gonna kill you myself."

I grab Ethans hand and we walk to the opposite side of the ambulance. "Thank god you're okay. Did they hurt you?" he says as he examines my body for any injuries. His eyes stop at my stitched up stomach. "Holy shit.", "It's alright, i'm good now." I say. He pulls me into a hug, being careful not to hurt me. "I'm so sorry, Jessica. I mean it when i say i'm not leaving your side again." He lets go of the hug. Ethan only uses my full name when he is sincerely sorry. I have no choice but to believe him. Ethan could never hurt me or our friends. Hell, he couldn't even kill a fly.

"What did Mindy mean when she said you were dangling 200 feet in the air from a window?" Ethan asks. "I'll start from the beginning." I take a deep breath before continuing. "We were setting up dinner when we got an airdrop from Danny, aka Sam's new boyfriend. He sent us a photo of ghostface attacking Quinn in her bedroom. He killed her, E. She's gone. He chased us around the apartment. He stabbed Anika badly and cut Mindy's arm pretty bad also. He also stabbed me in the stomach and cut my arm. Luckily he missed any important organs and shit. Ghostface chased us into Quinns room. Danny had a ladder and stuck it through his window and ours so we could cross over. Sam went first, then Mindy, then Anika. Ghostface threw Anika off the ladder and she hit her head on the garbage can, making her right side cave in. I went last on the ladder and he tried to throw me off too, but Danny saved me. He grabbed onto my hand before he threw me off the ladder also. So yeah, i was dangling like 200 feet in the air from the window."

"Shit. I had no idea. It wasn't until after my Econ class when i got your text. I tried to get here as fast as i could. I'm so so so sorry." Ethan apologizes again. "You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault." I say. "I know, but i just want to protect you. I don't want you getting hurt again." he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me once more. "Thank you, E. Really. For everything." I say. He lets go of the hug and smiles at me. "What are we?" I ask. "Hmm?" He looks up to me, not sure what i mean. "Like, are we friends or are we together?" I ask in more detail. Ethan grabs my hand. "I really like you, Jesse. Hopefully, boyfriend and girlfriend?" he smiles. "Only if you want to." he quickly adds. "I'd like that." I smile back. He gives me a quick kiss before we walk back to the group, hand in hand.

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