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I trembled... stumbling over my feet as I walked around the corner. I tried my best my best to keep myself composed, but everything was starting to feel void. Loosing feelings for the world. I sighed as I walked... the streets were narrow and long, the cold concrete shimmering in the setting sun. The sky is a mix of warm colours slowly fading.

As I reached another corner, a large man walked by, nudging me in the process, I turned to face him offering a glare, but he didn't even acknowledge me, or so I thought.

"Watch where you're going bastard," he said. Not turning to me, I gritted my teeth, "you bumped into me, you ass, eat your words," I replied. I was going to let it slide and walk away, but I heard the mans footsteps go silent. He turned to look at me. "The hell did you say?" He questioned with a provocative tone. I glared at him. "You heard me."

A blonde man beside the red-headed asshole placed his hand on his shoulder, "It's not worth it," the blonde one spoke. The red head huffed and turned away. "Id listen to him too," I said as I begin to walk away. I heard a loud groan come from the red head as he began stomping towards me. A fist aiming for my face, I quickly dodged and poked the male, reciting the word 'impact', which cause a large amount of pressure to release from my finger. It made him stammer back a little, but he didn't give up. He questioned me in his thoughts.. I'd be surprised too if a small woman poked me and it sent me back.

He glared at me and collected himself. He shouted "attract," and a bunch of metal from around the streets began pulling towards him. It moulded into a large metal arm the he swung towards me, as it hit me it stopped.. it was if he was trying to give me a soft pat. The man stood there angrily, surprised. I placed my palm on the metal arm and once again spoke 'impact', causing the weapon to fly back towards him. It crumbled on the floor, and the man began his advance, stomping towards me. I sighed. He went to punch me again, and I dodged, ending up and standing beside the blonde man. "You need to tell him this is pointless." I said quietly to the man. The blonde sighed.

"Why should I do that?" He questioned. I looked down and sighed. Then glancing back to the male. "Because im dying anyway, saves your friend a lot of effort.".

The red head lunged forward and tried grabbing me, I once again dodged. But I thought for a moment... what's the point in avoiding this? It would be a lot less painful this way.

The man came for me again, and I turned to face him, standing there.. waiting. The man had a questioning look on his face, yet he grabbed me by the throat and held me up against the wall. "Whyd you stop?" He commanded to know, I sighed.. lifting up my shirts showing him the severe infected wound on my torso, the mans eyes inspected it.

"You killing me is better than the pain I'm feeling right now," I replied. The mans face scrunched angrily. "I don't have anything to live for anymore anyway," I added. The man huffed. "You're pathetic," the man said, letting go of me. I fell to the floor and frowned.

"I know.. " I replied in a whisper. He began to walk away, "I told you it would be better if you listened to him.. i was being honest, not provocative, " I commented. The red head sighed. "Shut up, or I will kill you," he replied.

"To me, that's mercy," I spoke back. The man turned and glared at me. "The hell happened to you anyway?" He questioned. I frowned. "All my friends are dead, and since I'm a pirate, no hospital will help me. So now I'm just waiting to be killed off just like the rest of the crew was" I replied. The man was silent. He hesitated for a moment before walking away. I also wouldn't know what to say if I were him. I'm just suffering a sad fate.

Once him and his friend had left, I got up, making my way to the local bar. Once I got there, I purchased a bottle of their best spirits with the last of the money I had. Taking that bottle, I walked to the alley down the side of the building and slumped down. I took a deep breath, popped off the lid of the alcohol... and poured it over my wound. The pain was unbearable... but if no one will help me, this was the most sanitary solution I had to try and survive. Which I've been doing repeatedly since I was turned away from the hospital, then escaped detection from the marines.

After a while, I lost track of time. I couldn't feel a thing anymore apart from the pain of my wound and my heart. The pain slowly drove me to a point of unconsciousness. Then everything fell dark.


Kid sighed as he walked down the street with killer. He was gathering the last of his supplies until the departure later on. He couldn't stop thinking of that woman. She was strong and smart. Yet also pathetic, how she'd give up so easily made kids blood boil. Obviously, he didn't know her situation, but anyone who gave up on their dreams is not worth a thing.

"Kid look," spoke killer, looking down the alley next to the bar. She was layed on the floor unconscious. Kid and killer walked closer, getting a better look. Kids' brows furrowed, seeing the bottle of alcohol. "Pathetic, drinking her sorrows away." Kid commented, glaring at the sight. Killer crouched down, getting a better look, "youre wrong. Her clothes are soaked, she poured it on herself. Probably to try to sanitise the wound. Doesn't look like she's given up to me. I think she knew she couldn't win against you, so she accepted her fate back then. But clearly, your mercy was enough to give her faith." Killer replied, glancing at the kid who was watching the woman deeply. His thoughts circling.

A deep sigh left him. "Fine, grab her. We're taking her with us. She could be useful if she survives." Kid caved, killer nodded and picked her up carefully. Making sure to avoid the raw wound. "I think she'll pull through," Killer commented. Kid sighed. "I couldn't care if she does or doesn't.

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