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What was to be a supply stop turned into another drunk adventure in town. The crew loved to stop at a bar every island we went to. Always loved the music and the atmosphere. Music was an important part of the environment on board the victoria. Someone always had an instrument. Kid was a big music fan, music and weapons. What a perfect fit for him.

This island wasn't outlawed, though, so it was best we didn't spend too much time here. Yet here we were... in a bar. Again.

I didn't drink much this time, infact I hardly drank much at all. I always had to keep myself busy since no one else was gonna do the chores. But when a good song would play, I didn't have to be drunk to dance like there was no tomorrow. So when one of my fave songs began to play, you knew what time it was.

I got on the table sitting as I sung the lyrics and gently ran my hands up my body, I flipped over on my knees and threw my hands in the air happily. Twirling off the table I shook my hips and twirled to the bar, climbing on it I kicked off some drinks and stood confidently as I danced rhythmically to the beat, spinning around and dropping to my knees. I gently leant back, and as I was about to fall, I flipped down and began to twirl through the crowd. Pulling out a chair I sat down on it backwards and rolled my head then twisting with a kick, as I stood, a drunk man came over and tried to dance with me, to which I pushed him away gently with a smile. I'm not here to start fights, which means I'm not here to...

Oh great, kid stood up and approached the man, so I did what anyone would do, I got in front of him and pushed him to sit in the chair. Kid glared at me. I gently sat on his lap and twirled with his hair, I straddled him, then rolled into him with a wink. He blushed and looked away angrily. I twirled off of him and stood behind the chair, running my hand down his chest to his thigh. I could see he was super tense. The crew was whistling, shouting for them to be next. I laughed softly under my breath. But it sure calmed kid down, he stormed off without beating the drunk man. Where he went, I'm not sure. I frowned little. Did I go too far? Was it too obvious? I doubt he wants the crew to know we have tension. Or did I just give him too much tension.

I knew he'd be okay either way, so I ignored it and carried on dancing not to spoil the mood, killer walked by and patted my shoulder, I smiled and twirled around him, he grabbed my hand and twisted me, then I grabbed his waist and pulled him into a hug, leaning up. "Did I push him too hard?" I asked. Killer sighed and held my waist. "I think he's just feeling things he doesn't want to right now," Killer spoke. I hummed. "Tell me about it," I said with a smile aside and played with his hair. I twirled again. "You gonna go get him then?" I asked. He nodded. "I will, I'm just enjoying this little longer," he said, I huffed. "You're not even dancing," I said. He twirled me again. "I don't dance," he replied. I pouted. "Guess I'll have to dance for the two of us," I replied. He let go and petted my cheek before walking away.

I continued dancing, taking in the atmosphere.


We were back on the ship, and most of the crew were druuuuunnnkkk. But enough of us were sober enough to work the deck. Which is amazing timing. Due to the fact a marine ship just turned the bay, "MARINES" shouted Heat, and he rushed to the deck side. The marines were preparing to fire the cannons... which were worthless against us but... still a nuisance.

As they lined up to attack, and the cannons were fired, Kid spoke "repel" activating his devil fruit, which sent the cannon balls flying back at the enemy ship. "Get those fools under deck, anyone who can fight, sober up" he commanded, the crew said Aye, some slured and some right as gold

The marine ship grew closer, "Prepare for close combat," shouted killer as he warmed up his punishers. I sighed as i helped the drunk idiots down to the lower deck. Isn't this just lovely.

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