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As my eyes twitched, the feeling returned to my cold body, and the pain struck from my stomach. I opened my eyes... finding myself growing weary. An unfamiliar place surrounded me. The dimly lit room caused a rush of nerves to develop. I was laid on a bed, a patient bed? Looking around, it became certain I was in a doctors office.. though the gentle rock and sway of this place was unsettling... it was obvious to me I was on a ship... but... whose ship?

As I sat up, a strike of pain crossed me, I looked down to see bandages. So someone saved me.. but who? I sighed as I stood up, I looked around, procrastinating on whether I should leave the room. I could hear music playing distantly. Whoevers ship im on seems to love metal music. I checked myself in the mirror, fixing up my hair. I felt exhausted, my insides were so empty I felt as though if I coughed, I'd throw up acid and burn to death. I was drained...

Just then, the door handle clicked, and it began to open, I hesitated, trying to decide what to do, I stood there nervous. Then that man walked in, the same one I had seen before. The blonde man, with the blue and white mask covering his head. He was in casual clothes consisting of blue jeans and a black and white spotted shirt. A red scarf wrapped around his hips. "You're awake," he spoke, staring at me from the door, I stood behind the bed anxiously.

"It's you, and here I thought you guys wanted me dead. Why'd you save me?" I asked him, and the man sighed and leaned against the door frame. "You'll have to ask Kid," he replied, I raised a confused brow at the man. "Is he the one I... y'know... ?" I questioned, "yeah, " the blonde replied. "What about you? What's your name?"I asked. "Killer."

I stared at him.. "Right.. okay.. sure, killer, I'm Y/n, " I responded quietly as if questioning him. Killer hummed and just watched me silently before responding. "You should probably eat something. You've been unconscious for 2 days," he said, and he stood up straight and exited the room, signalling for me to follow, and I did. He was right, I felt awful..

We walked down the halls, I got a few stares here and there, but no one seemed too bothered by my presence. Once we got to the kitchen, Killer pulled out a seat for me and commanded me to sit. His dialled down bossy-ness seemed awfully natural, observing him. He seemed important, maybe a commander of the ship? After a short moment, he brought some food over and a glass of water, a kind favour he didn't need to do, so he was intimidating yet respectful when needed. "Eat this, I'll go tell Kid you're awake. Don't feel intimidated by us. You're a guest here. But if they do decide to test you and harm you, I know you can handle yourself on a full stomach. Considering you fought with kid and came out with your life, it's safe to say you're pretty decent fighter" he spoke before walking away, leaving me in the atrium. I sighed and began to eat, watching the pirates cook and clean. They'd offer occasional glances,some glares, and smiles. It was nice... to be back on a ship.. surrounded by pirates. After losing everyone, even though most of them were pieces of shit on my previous crew, I liked the atmosphere.

After a while, Killer came back with Kid, who was offering me death glares. "You pulled through," he spat sitting down at the other side of the table, man spreading and relaxing.. Taking up space, like he owned the place... I had a sneaking suspicion that it was the case, considering how the killer talked about him. It's clear he's the Capatin, how he sits with such confidence. Not a single hair was uncertain of his power. I watched him as much as he was trying to be intimidating and rude, I couldn't help but have a lot of respect. After all he did save my life, I offered his a soft smile. "Thank you... for saving me" I said to him. He huffed and stared at me deeply, mumbling under his breath. Honestly, I thought he'd take it full heartedly since he seems like the kinda guy who loves his ego being boosted.

"Why did you save me?" I asked curiously. He sighed and leaned back into his seat after he'd taken some food off my plate. "I thought you'd given up on life, but killer felt sorry for you... That's all, " he said deeply. Clearly, he wasn't one to admit his mistakes, too much pride. I nodded and frowned. "I'm sorry i gave you trouble," I replied quietly. Kid huffed as if my comment was a joke. "yeah well don't give me any more trouble, or it's your ass I'm kicking, plus you're weak. The only trouble you gave me was wasting my time and supplies patching that gross wound. " He quickly responded with a smirk.

"So you're the captain of this ship?" I asked, ignoring his ego and attitude. Kid relaxed, and he hummed, "I am." I smiled gently. "I shouldn't have even asked, you radiate power. If you weren't the captain, I'd be very surprised." I replied. Kids' smirks widened. He was enjoying the compliments. He's a very proud man with a very big ego.

"I want you to join my crew, since you've wasted my time you owe me," he added. I glanced at him with wide eyes. "YES! I-I mean... I'd really like to." I quickly corrected my overly enthusiastic tone. Kid was slightly taken off guard by my enthusiasm, but he didn't care. "That was rather quick, don't you think?" He questioned. I frowned, looking down at my plate, the food seeming less tasteful. "I don't really have anyone else now, and you're right. I owe you." i replied with saddened eyes thinking about my friends lost at sea. Kid then raised a brow. "What happened to you?" He questioned. I looked at him. He was observing me carefully, trying to figure me out, as though if I didn't tell him, he'd beat it out of me. I sighed.

"The crew i was part of was killed in a massacre a few weeks ago. I've been trying to scrape by ever since as the only survivor. I didn't think I was going to survive, but as much as I have nothing left... to be on the seas. To be part of something greater, that's what I've always wanted. And you seem like you have the power to be great, if not greater, " I replied, getting more dedicated as the words came out. He sighed and stood up. "You're a tough woman. You'll fit right in here. Welcome to the Victoria Punk." He spoke with a smirk before he left the room. A smile grew on my face as a few tears streamed down my cheek.

"Thankyou Captain"

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