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After a long day of chores, I finally relaxed, going straight to bed after a strenuous day. Being part of a crew again is so energising, i vant explain it. Its just so warm, so I'll do anything to repay that feeling. I decided to keep on living... it pains me to think of those I've lost, but ill be living on in their names remembering them. Only the two that respected me.

I stretched and got changed, placing myself under the soft fur blanket, I yawned and tried to doze off. Though it was pretty difficult, after two hours or so I resorted to getting up. I walked out and down the hall, I kept going and going until I reached the captains room.

Knock knock...


"Fuck off" was all I heard from the inside. I sighed and opened the door, as I did a large book came flying at me. I quickly dodged and glanced at him, he had his back to me, such an accurate throw without needing to turn. I smiled at his reaction, he seemed very entertaining, I wanted to know more. "sorry to intrude captain" I said closing the door behind me, he sighed and tried his best to stay calm, though I knew he was highly short tempered, so I best not push those buttons.

"The hell do you want?" he questioned me as he turned around in his chair to meet my eyes, his amber eyes glancing deeply into my own ones. He was trying to read my intentions, my reasoning behind interrupting him, unlucky for him my poker face is pristine.

I smiled softly "i just wanted to come check on you, I haven't had a chance to talk to you lately. And as my Captain i put your health and care first" I replied as I approached him wearily. Hes not a force to test so I have to be cautious not the pressure him. I could see him gritting his teeth alittle... guess he's not used to someone actually wanting to spend time with him and check on him like this, after all his crew do seem rough and high strung.

I doubt they show physical affection much yet its obvious they cherish eachother completely. I looked around at his room, there were books and metal scraps everywhere, his shelves were crooked and looked like they'd had a few battles with his fist, his bed wasn't made and there were weapons scattered around which were quite dangerously sharp, "You're quite messy, you know that?" I said as I took a seat on the table beside him, slightly keeping my distance but close enough to let him know I'm confident. He glared at me and didnt hesitate to respond to me.

"Get out!" he raised his voice and death stared me, but honestly his eyes were too pretty to scare me, they glistened golden in the dim light. Decorated with eyeliner that added enthuses to the beautiful colour they hold. His pale skin contrasts with his warm, fierce eyes. I watched them, cherishing every moment I got to see them. I'm not even sure why I felt that way, something about them was just enticing.

"Why?" I asked him, I relaxed and looked around, his room was pretty messy but also strangely organised if you think about it, maybe its messy to me but possibly he knows where everything is this way. His furniture wasn't in good condition at all, it was aged and beaten. Their was a single window shining in moonlight. And his bed was huge, I wanted to dive into it and wrap myself in the many furs he had lying there.

He sighed and stood up, galring at me before he reached out, gripped me by my wrist dragging me and throwing me out of the room. He slammed the door in my face and I sighed, then sat against the door. His temper truly was short, but it was something I liked about him. His patience was something not alot of people would be so open about, if he didn't feel entertained he wouldn't waste his time, its admirable... but I was stubborn.


"...hey So what's that robot thingy on your desk?" I asked towards the door. The silence was making me alittle uneasy... As I began to get up and leave in defeat, the door creaked open. He peered out at me, with the most confused look id seen in a while.

"The hell made you interested in that out of all the stuff in here?" He questioned me with an annoyed look as though he was slightly offended id take interest in it.

"Its just... I just like it I guess, everything else I've seen before, but that seemed different. It stood out to me" I replied with a smile. Kid sighed and dragged me back into the room, not as aggressive as last time, he showed signs of warmth.

"I can walk myself Captain" I pouted and he shoved me, "I don't care" he replied deeply and almost tired like. He sat down and carried on doing his work, or building... I should say. Which did confused me for a moment, just was expecting him to tell me about the robot. But maybe my unique interest made him more curious about me, and maybe... more liking.

"What are you making?" I asked him as I stared googly at his creation, very intrigued, he glared at me with those beautiful eyes, looking at me as though I was the most repulsive thing he'd layed eyes on.

"Will you shut up, and why should I tell you?" He questioned, moving his focused gaze from me back to his mission at hand, I carefully picked up the stray pieces, and put them in place, like a puzzle yet more interesting and satisfying.

"I just find you interesting, so I'm also interested in what you're making," I replied gently, he huffed and just stayed silent. So I looked around again and slowly reached out for the robot "DONT touch it" he quickly snapped at me, I hesitated and brought my hand back to my lap. He sighed and continued with his work.

"So what's the story with the robot?" I asked and I leaned down to get a better view of it, I smiled softly and tried my best not to touch it.. "I made it when I was young, so it's important to me, do not touch it or I'll cut your hands off" he replied stern.

"I see... you're lucky to have part of your childhood with you, it's nice" I said as I leaned back and my attention returned to kids strangely intruiging work. He looked at me for a moment, before turning back, the silence was killing me, all I wanted was to get to know him and he was shutting me out like a rabid dog I sighed and fiddled with a pencil on his desk before working up the courage to talk again. "I like your hair" I said to him with a soft smile. He sighed and looked at me, "why?" He asked deeply, a small blush crossed his face. I smiled, "Red is my favourite colour". I saw him hesitate for a second as a blush swept his face, though leaving just as quick.

Kid sighed and shook himself off "why is that?" He questioned as he leaned back in his chair.

"Its the most beautiful colour, the colour of Life and yet Death. The colour of Love and Passion yet also Hate and Anger. You can't find another color that has so much conflict and mystery" I replied softly with a short smile, Kid huffed and watched me intensely, a smirk forming on his face. "Youve thought alot about it" he said and I nodded "funnily enough, you also seem to be full of conflict and mysetry. I guess thats why im here". After a while of watching him work I sighed and stood up, this caught kids attention, "What are you doing?".

"I'm gonna go to bed, its getting late. And your ship is a mess, i have my work cut out for me tomorrow" I replied as I walked to the door. He didn't reply or look at me he just continued on with his work until he hummed. I slowly reached over to his bed and quietly pulled off one of his many blankets wrapping it around myself taking in its warmth, as much as to others this would seem like asking for death. I wanted to test his limits. I opened the door and exited, before shutting it I said my goodbyes.

"See you later Captain" I spoke softly, kid sighed. "Yeah" was all he replied, he was too focused on his project to notice a thing. I smiled softly and closed the door as quiet as I could. Now to me...

This was a win in my book.

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