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I woke up, heavy snores came and went from beside me, looking over I saw a red headed pirate Captain sleeping away into the night. I fiddled around, finding the pocket watch stuffed in my pocket. I gently reached out and picked up a lighter from the bedside table and lit the room dimly. The watch read 2:17 AM. I sighed and put the lighter back where I got it, and my watch back in my pocket.

Leaning over, I gently snuggled up against the red head, taking in his warmth. I wrapped my arm across his chest and my leg around his waist. He laid spread on his back, his snores rough and deep. I didn't care. His chest would rise and fall, his arm twitched. I would imagine his other would too if he had one..  I frowned. It was still a fresh wound for us all.. his snores went quiet, but he didn't budge, his eyes twitched, and his bald brows furrowed. It was clear he was tense.

I gently leaned up and caressed his cheek and then hair. He must be so stressed over everything that's happened... I sighed quietly and leaned down, resting my head on his, an action to convey my care and empathy towards him. One I couldn't help, every time I saw him I just wanted to be closer, his scent would draw me in, his voice echoed through me, his eyes stared into my soul and his warmth radiated like the sun. All I wanted to do was reach out and touch him. But he always felt out of arms reach.

Right now, in this moment, I had him. He was here with me, I wasn't going to let this moment slide. I stroked his face gently, cupping his jaw. His rough texture and messy makeup didn't make him any less beautiful to me. I softly placed my lips on his, kissing him quietly in the night. I ran my fingers through his hair and sighed.

"Goodnight, kid," I whispered. As I wiggled out of his bed and quietly crept away, I took one last glance before closing the door behind me and leaving.

As I walked back through the ship, I could still hear music from the main hall. I walked over and leaned against the door, seeing the majority of the crew still up having a good time. They needed it after the destruction we've just been through with shanks.

"Oh, you're still up?" Asked Heat as he walked over, I smiled, "and you too, " I replied gently. Heat nodded. "Trying to get these guys to calm down, but they have too much energy," he explained. I hummed. "So, how's Boss?" He asked, I was caught off guard by this question.

"O-Oh, he's fine. He was working on a replacement for his arm. I think he's..  asleep now, though... I dont know, " I lied, I couldn't exactly tell him I stayed with him till he fell asleep. Sure, he said not to tell killer, but that's implying no one's else too. "That's good. He needs it. He's always pushing himself. " Heat commented, I nodded and yawned. "Okay, that's it," I spoke softly.

I walked to the centre table standing on it and stomping loud, everyone turned their heads. "Everyone, to bed with you all. Did you forget who we are? Captain will need you all awake and ready tomorrow. Living on the seas isn't all parties. I hope you all are putting in your best, Captain deserves none the less. So, there is no partying till stupid hours. Don't make me say it again because I WILL beat your asses on the captains account." I comanded loudly for the room to hear. They all stopped and nodded. "Aye Aye Y/n," the majority spoke. I huffed and got down from the table, waiting on the sidelines for them to move out.

"You're sure good at being the boss," commented a notable blonde from the side of me. "What can I say? Spend too much time with Kid," I excused happily. Killer hummed. "You sure do. What did you guys get up to this time?" He asked, and I glared at him, then got nervous. "He said I'm not allowed to tell you things anymore, I promised," I responded. Killer sighed and petted my head. "Sure, I'll ask him myself tomorrow. I'll see you later y/n" he said, walking out, "Yeah, yeah, bye killer, sleep well. "

I tutted looking at the now empty room, filled with trash and beer everywhere... I guess I'm not sleeping tonight.

I stayed up cleaning the main hall to perfection, I was a determined pirate. Always have been, I'll do my best. So that's exactly what I did. I even did the dishes. Before I knew it, morning had come, not that it mattered to me. I was passed out on the table with a sponge and cloth in my hands.

As the morning rolled by, I was awakened by Heat. "Y/n wake up, you need to move," he said anxiously, I hummed and sat up stretching. "Sorry.." I whispered in breath. "Dont be, you sure as hell cleaned this place up. You're a miracle, " he spoke happily. I smiled tiredly and hopped off of the table gently, my legs were numb. Felt like I was gonna fall. But I managed to waddle over to the doorway

At that moment, a big angry red head showed up, glaring at me. A huff in his voice. "The hell did you go?" He questioned. I winced, his powerful voice being too loud for me right now. "Sorry, Cap.." I said. "It's Kid," he responded. I sighed. "Same thing... I just.. well, " I said.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear. "Think you can kiss me and get away with it?" He interrogated, my heart got caught in my throat, time itself stopped in my utter shock and embarrassment. My body couldn't take it, litterally... I've been up all night cleaning. I only fell asleep at 07:23... It's 07:49.

My legs buckled from under me, kid was quick to react as he caught me gently, I frowned and refused to look him in the eyes. At this point, I could hardly open my eyes anyway. He held me close. "Damn this missing arm," he muttered under his breath. He tried to hoist me up with his 1 arm. "Work with me here y/n," he complained. I hummed in a whisper and wrapped my arms around his neck softly. He lifted my legs and held me as best he could. 

"Sorry for the trouble, Boss. we stayed up late partying, so she cleaned the whole hall in time for breakfast," a crew member pleaded. He huffed, "Killer, you take care of these fools, im taking y/n to rest," he declared before walking away.

He walked down the hall back to his room and placed me down on his bed carefully. A sigh left him as he sat their. "You're an idiot. When I ask you to stay, you stay, who cares about some trashy hall. We're pirates.... but.. You always do that. It's why I'm fond of you, " he spoke, getting less irritated. He leaned down and brushed hair from my face, placing his lips on mine as he pulled me into a deep kiss. I wrapped my hands around his hair, pulling him closer.

He broke the kiss and stood up, walking away. "That's for last night."

Before I knew it, he was gone...

And I was too tired to process.

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