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Killer sighed, "nothing?" He asked. Heat shook his head. "There's nothing on her. Not even a poster." He replied. Kid huffed. "If you care that much, why don't you just ask her?" He questioned.

"Rich coming from you, ask her then, you clearly care," Killer retaliated. Kids' brows furrowed, "Stop doing that," he bickered. "She really is a mystery." Heat added. Killer hummed and stood up. "Fine, I'll go ask. Since you're a coward, " Killer retorted to kid who took it as a personal offence. "Like hell I am, I'll go ask," he quickly snapped, standing up and stomping out of the room. Killer knew he'd do that. He followed.

"Y/N, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW" Kid shouted calling out, before he could say another word, I poked my head out of the room on the left, he smirked and stood still watching me. "Here," he commanded. I huffed and walked over. "What do you need, Cap?" I asked.

"Who the hell are you?" He interrogated, killer sighed. "He means we can't find any information on you. You were part of a crew before us. But there's no intel, " he explained. I hummed.

"Oh yeah, I never really.. told you about that." I said, then rushed over to the cabins. Kid and killer stood there deadpanned. "DONT RUN AWAY FROM ME," Kid shouted, walking after me, killer not far behind.

I picked up a piece of paper and then walked back out, bumping straight into Kid, a blush swept his face, grabbing me, and gently backing up.

"Whats that? " Killer asked. I smiled and opened up the paper, revealing a wanted poster. Named Bloody princess. A picture of a woman with a tiara on, covered in blood. The facial features disguised by the thick red liquid, "the bloods not mine," I said. Kid and killer were quiet.

"I was part of a crew called the spider pirates. 🕷 They weren't the most famous but made it in the paper a few times. apparently, I was the most infamous for my fighting style... always ended up all bloody..." I explained. Kid stood there deadpanned...

"That's you?" He asked, I nodded with a big grin. "Like hell, that's you, it looks nothing like you," he argued. I huffed "obviously I'm covered in blood. How can you tell it's anyone?" I asked. Kid got louder. "I can tell it's not you!" He retaliated.

"THAT'S ME," I shouted. "YOURE A FOOL IF YOU THINK ID BELIEVE THAT," He responded even louder. I groaned. "Sorry I lost my crown, and I'm not coated head to toe in blood, blame the photographer, not me," I complained, killer laughed silently.

"I believe you, I'm curious how you got so bloody though," he spoke up. I got a little nervous.

"Well... when I use my power on people who are weaker... it usually results in their body contracting and basically exploding... THEY DONT EXPLODE LIKE THAT, but they sure look like it when all the blood erupts from their body and sprays everywhere... I try not to do that... but sometimes i just can't control my power, " I explained. I don't think they were expecting that. Kid looked a little surprised, but then it turned into a smirk. "You're interesting," he said, I blushed. "Thanks.. I didn't think it was really that good of a thing. But then again, you're evil, " I replied.

"What would happen if you did that to us?" Asked Killer. I hummed in thought. "Probably nothing, you guys are really strong, I mean... you'd be in pain, but you guys could take it, no blood. Just pain. " I answered. Killer nodded, taking in the information.

"You surprise me more and more with that power," he added, I smiled. "I told you it's not a one trick power," I replied, he hummed. "What happened to your crew?" Asked kid.

I sighed a stutter in my words... i cqnt tell them the truth.. right.. "There was a massacre. Some stupid pirate ship attacked us, killed half the crew, and we ended up sailing into a storm for cover. We were tipping over, and I pushed back using my devil fruit. We managed to get out, with a mass amount of damage.. back then, I didn't realise the issues such a manoeuvre could cause. The enemy ship came and blew up the mast, breaking the ship, I was speared by the debris. Everything sank. Lucky me, I took a stow away boat. Then that's when you guys found me on that island about to breathe my last breath, Who would have thought." I spoke, telling them everything. Kid stared at me coldly. I looked at the wanted poster and then back at me.

"They didn't deserve you anyway," he spoke sincerely. "We got our answer, let's go," Kid spoke deeply, the blonde man hummed, and followed. "Back to work y/n," Killer said as he turned away, "yes sir".

I walked back into the room eith a big sigh of relief. They bought it...  i began to tidy up from the party they had last night. "Is that true y/n?" Asked Dive, I sighed. "Yep." She gawked. "No wonder you're a piece of work," she spoke with a big grin. I smiled. "Who would I be if not?" I replied.

"Yes, hehehe, come here, you're taller than me. Get that up there, " she spoke, I nodded. "Whose sock is this?" I asked, disgusted. Dive laughed. "I dont know, but they're not getting it back. Throw it in the trash," she replied, I was already one step ahead.

"Sometimes... this crew is just awful, " I spoke.

"Yeah, but you love us," dive added.

"I do"

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