Part 2

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*y/n POV*

Me and Caitlin arrive at the gym after a 5 minute walk. Once inside we set our stuff in a locker and head to the workout area.
"I think I'll hit the treadmill and stairs first" Caitlin told me. As she walks off I decide to start off with weightlifting. While lifting I watch Caitlin run. Running's my least favorite workout but she makes it look so easy. I wish I could sweat and still be at graceful and pretty as her.
I'm not paying attention when all of a sudden I realize a guy is talking to me.
"Hello" he says as he waves a hand in my face. I look at him in confusion and ask what he wants. "I was asking if I could get your number but you were spaced out." He laughs.
"Oh, sorry but I'm not looking for something right now." I say as I turn to leave the weight area.
"Seriously? It's not that deep just let me have your number." He pushes. I continue to refuse him when I hear someone walk up behind me.
"Is everything alright over here." I hear Caitlin say. I turn around and tell her I'm good and that we should head to another area. As we start to leave, I hear the guy ask "What's your problem? I was trying to be nice and give you a compliment but you just wanna act weird."
Before I can reply Caitlin steps in front of me and laughs at him saying "She's obviously not interested dude. Just leave her alone and quit acting creepy. We came here to workout not to worry about guys getting in our way"
We walk away and grab our stuff out of the lockers. As we walk out I look for the guy and he's disappeared.
Once we get outside I thank her for her help and she replies with "No problem. We're friends right?" "Yeah" I say "I'm happy to be your friend Caitlin".
As we're walking I apologize for ending her workout so soon but she assures me it's fine. "Guys can be massive jerks sometimes but you'll be fine when I'm with you" she says smiling. I blush and thank her again for helping me when she didn't have too.

*Caitlin POV*

Me and y/n get home and she tells me she's going to shower. I walk into my room and fall onto my bed. I think about how mad that guy at the gym made me. I'm glad I was there to help but I'm sure y/n could have handled it on her own but it really upset me to see her worried when she was trying to put work in.
Y/n wasn't what I was expecting. She really surprised me when she told me she was a fan of mine and that she knew Paige.
She's just a little bit shorter than me with pretty hair and she seems pretty strong too. I can't wait to see her skills on the court.
I go to the refrigerator to get some water when I see she hasn't unpacked all the way yet.
Maybe I'll ask if she needs any help decorating and I could show her around campus when she's done I think.
Just then y/n walking in the door and heads to her room to change.
"Hey, want me to show you around campus in a little bit so you can get to know the place?" I ask her.
"For sure, let me get dressed and we can head out." She says.
I wait in the kitchen till she's ready and we leave the door together. I show her the library, the building where her classes will be, the football field, and the community basketball courts. As I introduce her to the college we talk about her old school and get to know each other a little bit.
"So when do I get to see the official basketball court?" She questions.
"You can see that tomorrow for our first team practice. Don't worry you'll love it. It looks exactly like it does on tv." I tell her.
"All courts have a different feel to them. Im excited to see what this one will feel like." Y/n says.
I looked at her for a moment when she said that because I completely understand what she's saying but I've never heard anyone else say it.
We stop to watch some students play a game on the courts when y/n asks if I wanted to play a 1v1. I say of course and we go onto one of the courts.
We play to 10 which I win but it's a close game. The final score is 8 to 10. We are both panting and sprawled on the ground. After we catch our breath we shake hands and say good game to each other.
She's pretty good and I think she'll be a great fit to our team. I tell her this and she gets super happy but suddenly her stomach growls. She looks at me horrified and I fall over laughing.
"Stop laughing it's embarrassing." She whispers.
"Sorry sorry uh let's go get some food from the cafeteria before we go home." I tell her.
We get to the cafeteria and I get some pasta and fruit. I look over and y/n as salad, pizza, and some fries. We get home quickly and eat together in the kitchen. We talk about tomorrow's practice and I tell her how great the team and coaches are.
When we finish eating she asks if I want to decorate her room with her and I of course say yes.
We get to her room and start pulling posters, books, and cds out of her boxes.
I start with putting up posters while she organizes her books and cds.
Once I start unrolling the posters I let out a chuckle and she glances at me.
"You like Kpop?"
"Obviously Sherlock Holmes. Is that bad?"
"No I've just never met someone into it before."
"Well now you have. It's pretty good I got into it a couple years ago". y/n says.
We get done decorating and she seems satisfied with the room so I tell her I'm getting in the shower and she should get some rest for her big day tomorrow.
She tells me goodnight and I say the same. After I close her door and head to the shower I find that I'm super happy to have y/n as my new roommate.

Sorry if it's a little slow but I don't like rushed stories so I'm trying to take my time.

Leave comments for me plz🙏🏼

My girl (Caitlin Clark)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें