Final Part

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*Y/n POV*
Me and Caitlin have been dating for a couple of months now. We couldn't be happier together and it's been the some of the best moments of my life.
However I'm currently in the passenger seat of Caitlin's car while she's driving us to her parents house.
A few days ago we were just chilling in the living room when she asked me if I wanted to meet her parents. I agreed obviously but I'm so nervous right now I could pass out. Like what if they don't like me or don't think I'm good enough for Caitlin or-
Caitlin reached over and puts one of her hands on my thigh as she continues to drive with the other.
"I can hear you thinking from here baby" she says "Are you really that scared of them?"
"I mean have you seen your family in the stands at your games? They look super serious but nooo of course I'm not scared" I mumble back.
"Relax they're like me. Serious about sports but chill about everything else" she reassures me.
"But like what if they hate me and want us to break up?" I question.
"Y/n...don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?" She questions back.
"I guess. I just really want them to like me" I tell her.
"They're going to love you. Now relax for a while we still have a 30 minute drive" she says.
I sigh and turn the radio up to try and calm my nerves. I look out the window and make myself think about something else while Caitlin drives.

I wake up to Caitlin shaking me and telling me that we're here. I rub my eyes and climb out of the car. We grab our stuff and head to the front door.
Caitlin's mom answers and welcomes us in as she hugs Caitlin and surprises me with a hug as well.
"Welcome to our home y/n. We didn't know Caitlin was bringing a friend but we're happy to have you" she smiles at me.
"Um actually mom y/n's my girlfriend not my friend" Caitlin says and puts her arm around my waist.
I blush and watch her mom for a reaction. She looks shocked but not in a bad way.
"Oh...ok...well y/n welcome. I hope you like us because now you're stuck with us" she jokes.
We all laugh as I let out the biggest breath of relief ever.
After we set all of our stuff down in Caitlin's old room I meet the rest of her family. Her brothers are pretty chill and they keep teasing Caitlin about me when they think I can't hear. It cute how she turns red whenever they say something. Her dad talks to me about basketball and my plans for the future but I think he's my favorite.
"If you need any basketball tips let me know. I did teach Caitlin everything she knows after all" he jokes as he messes up Caitlin's hair.
Seeing her with her family is the most adorable thing in the world. It's like she softens but still has an edge to her that's distinctly Caitlin.
They tell me stories of young Caitlin and of course her mom pulls out the pictures that embarrass her. I see her in all stages of her life and think that my the luckiest person ever to be dating this girl.
We stay with them for a couple days and on one of them Caitlin's mom pulls us aside and tells us how happy she is for us and how much she can tell we love each other.
"I hope you guys stay together always" she says.
Me and Caitlin are leaving when her mom pulls me into a hug and tells me to take care of her baby.
"I swear that I will" I whisper to her.
"Thank you y/n" she says as she lets me go.
One night Caitlin suddenly tells me to get ready because we are going on a date. She says to wear something I can get dirty and that makes me worried because I hate being messy but I'll basically do anything she tells me so whatever.
We decide to get food first and we download that app that picks a person and then whoever it lands on picks what we eat. I got to pick our drinks and dessert and Caitlin chose our main course.
Once we're full Caitlin drives us to an open field and parks. We get out of the car and she pulls a blanket out of the trunk.
"Caitlin what are we doing out here?" I ask.
"We are going to stargaze like the romantic couple that we are" she answers.
There's still a little light out so we have a photo shoot together. It a lot of fun and we chase each other around until there are a few good pictures in the mix of the rest. We eventually end up falling on our backs onto the blanket as the stars begin to come out.
"Wow...there beautiful" I say.
"Not as beautiful as you" Caitlin winks at me and we both giggle.
After a few minutes I hesitate to ask her a question.
"Hey um is it ok with you if I posted a picture of us kissing on my instagram?" I ask her.
"Y/n I think it's fine as long as you realize once the media knows about us it's will be hard to get privacy" she says as she plays with my hair.
"You're worth putting up with all of that for Caitlin" I tell her.
She looks at me in my eyes before she slowly leans into me. All of the sudden I'm nervous like this is our first kiss. When she finally kissed me it's slow and sweet but also has a fire in it. It consumes me and I don't notice that she's pulled away until I hear of calling me name.
"Y/n...hello y/n"
"Oh um sorry what is it?" I ask.
She tilts my chin up so I can see the sky. The sky is lit up with hundreds of falling stars. I look over at Caitlin and watch the lights move across her face. She's the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me.
"I love you" I whisper to her.
"I love you too" she replies and then kisses me.

Thank you again for all of the support on this story and all the love you've sent me. I really appreciate it.

I hope you liked the ending and once again I have no knowledge of Caitlin's sexuality or her parents thoughts on it. This is strictly for the story.

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