Part 10

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*Y/n POV*
I'm getting ready for my first date with Caitlin. I'm so excited! I honestly don't know how to act right now.
Yesterday I was just sitting on the couch on my phone when Caitlin gets home from class. She jumps on top of me and tells me we're going on a date tomorrow.
I only have like 2 hours before our date but I can't decide what to wear. I text Paige and tell her to choose for me but she just says to "wear whatever I want. Caitlin will like it no matter what because it's you."
I decide to go with a shorter black dress. I go to the bathroom to do my hair. I curl it and put on a little bit of makeup. Caitlin isn't here yet. She wouldn't tell me where she was going just that she would be back to pick me up for the date.
I sit on my bed and get on my phone to calm my nerves. Like I don't know why I'm so nervous it's just  Caitlin I've known her for a while now. I guess because it's finally real now and I don't have to worry about how she feels.
I hear the front door open and I know it's Caitlin. When she sees me, she smiles and asks if I'm ready. I say yes and we head outside to her car. She opens the passenger door for me and then climbs into the drivers seat.
She drives us to an Italian restaurant that looks super fancy inside. When we get seated I finally notice what Caitlin's wearing. It's a tight yellow dress that stops right above her knees. She has her hair down and is wearing earrings. I keep staring at her until she notices.
"What?" She asks.
"You look...beautiful Caitlin" I tell her.
She looks away from me and blushes.
"Me? Look at you. You look amazing in that dress" she counters.
The date continues like this and it's the most fun I've had in a while. Caitlin is awesome. She makes me feel comfortable and happy.
When we finish at the restaurant and get back in the car we stop at a convenient store to get snacks so we can have a move night at home.
We get home and set everything up in Caitlin's room. We decide to start with a the mean girls movies.
"Hey" I hear her say.
"Yeah babe?" I answer.
"I just wanted to let you know that tonight was great and I wanna do it again" she mumbles while looking down.
"Me too. I love spending time with you" I tell her as I grab her hand and kiss the back of it.
As the movie plays we cuddle and fall asleep together.
*Caitlin POV*
We have an out of state game tomorrow so we're leaving today and everyone's rushing around making sure they have everything for the plane ride.
"Are you positive you have everything you need? Including your jersey and shoes?" Y/n asks me.
"Relax baby. I have everything we already checked 3 times" I say kissing her cheek.
We hear a chorus of "awwwww" and "how sweet" behind us. Basically the whole team is staring at us making noises.
"Fuck off" I say sarcastically as I grab y/n by the waist and walk away into the bus.
When the bus gets to the air port we all grab our stuff and go through security which takes forever.
Once everyone's through and they tell us to board we all find our seats. I have a window seat but there's a lady between mine and y/n's seat but I ask her to switch with y/n and she agrees.
The whole ride we watch movies, film and play games against each other on my phone.
We land and everyone gets off the plane. We make it to the hotel and while Coach is telling everyone the room assignments I run to the bathroom.
When I get back I see everyone has gone to their rooms except y/n. I ask her which room we're in and she frowns.
"We're in different rooms" she tells me.
"Damn it. Who are you with?" I ask.
"I'm with Kate and you're with Mon" she says.
"Well that's not too bad" she shows me the rooms and I tell her goodnight before I walk into my room. We need rest for the game tomorrow.
I get in the room and see Monika has already picked her bed. When she sees me walk in the room she tackles me in a hug.
"It feels like we haven't hung out in forever" she says.
"I know" I say "I've just been busy"
"Don't worry about it. I'm just happy you're happy with y/n" she tells me.
I smile and she starts laughing at me.
"What are you laughing at?" I ask.
"You should see your face. As soon as you heard her name you lit up. You're definitely in love girl" she says after calming down.
"Im not in love!...right?" I say.
"Why wouldn't you be?" She asks.
I tell Monika about our fake dating and how we both realized that we actually like each other and it hasn't been that long since we started actually dating.
"What? Why wouldn't you tell me" she says in fake anger.
"It wasn't on purpose or anything. We just didn't tell anyone" I tell her.
"I understand but I could've just told you that y'all liked each other. I mean just looking at you guys together shows how much you mean to each other" she explains.
"I'm just glad I figured it out. I love being around her but I've never said I love you to someone romantically" I tell her.
"You'll know when to tell her it'll feel right. Don't rush it but I have no doubt that she loves you too" Monika says.
"Thanks for the advice and I promise we'll hang out again soon" I say as I hug her.
After that we take turns showering and then head to bed I text y/n goodnight one more time before I turn over and lay down.

I hope you like this chapter. I might not be able to update for a few dates my school is starting test today and tomorrow.

As always leave comments for me plz🙏🏼

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