Part 5

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*Y/n POV*
I messed up. Like messed up bad. I can't believe I could be so stupid.
I woke up this morning and went to class. Everything was normal until I noticed everyone in my lecture room was staring at me. I tried ignoring it but it kinda started to make me self conscious.
When the professor dismissed us I basically sprinted out of there. As I was walking I heard someone call my name behind me. I turn to see a group of 7 people rushing toward me. They are all in my class so I asked if they needed the notes or something.
"No, we just heard a rumor we wanted to ask you about" one of the girls said.
"Um ok what rumor?" I asked confused.
"Are you and Caitlin Clark actually dating?" A boy blurted out.
I stood there in shock for a good couple of minutes. Like what am I supposed to say to that. The group starts looking around as I stand there silent.
" there really a rumor that we're dating?" I ask nervously.
"Yeah it started after that party last night" a different girl answered.
Fuck me. Seriously I knew this was going to happen but so soon?
The group started to crowd around me and everyone was talking and trying to get me to answer them. I couldn't even think straight. It was like my mind went completely blank.
"So are you guys going out" "No way you're dating THE Caitlin Clark" "How long has this been going on" "Where you guys going to tell people"
I was just standing there listening but not answering until I heard it.
"There's no way this girl could pull Caitlin" one boy said.
That comment really made me mad. I walked right up to him even though he was taller than me and looked him straight in the eye.
"As a matter of a fact I am dating Caitlin, not that it's any of your business tho" I say with anger in my voice.
They all look at me in surprise and once I realize what I said I trying to say something but nothing comes out so I just walk away.
And that's where I am now, walking around dazed thinking about how I probably just screwed mine and Caitlin's career.
Eventually I make it home. It's about 11 and practice isn't until 1:30 so I decide to take a nap. I'm tired of thinking and I just fall on my bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out.
I wake up to someone shaking me and when I look up it's Caitlin. She's dressed in her practice gear and I ask what time it is.
"It's 1, you have to get up or we're going to be late" she says as she throws some clothes at me.
I take the clothes and run to the bathroom to get ready.
When I come out and tell Caitlin we have to go, she looks at me weird.
"Y/n are you ok?" she asks.
As soon as I hear those words everything from earlier comes back and I feel exhausted all over again.
"Oh uh I'm fine just tired from class. Let's go before we're late" I cover.
She looks at the time and her eyes go wide. We end up having to run to made it in time.

*Caitlin POV*
I can tell something is really wrong with y/n. But then again the whole team is acting weird. Every time I go over to talk to y/n they start whispering. I just ignore them and decide to ask later. Right now I'm worried about y/n. All practice she's been dragging around and all her shots are off. She looks really down but if she doesn't want to tell me I'm not going to force her if it's serious I trust her to talk to me.
"Alright ladies, we have a game in 2 days. No practice tomorrow so you can rest but we will have shoot around before we leave for the game" Coach Bluder says.
We all change out of our shoes and head out of the gym. Y/n as barely talked to anyone the whole day. When we get back to the dorm I ask if she wants to get something to eat. She says she's not hungry and that she might just do some homework in her room.
"Hey... are you sure you're ok. I hope you know you can always talk to me if you want to" I tell her.
I'm about to walk away when I suddenly hear her start crying. I'm shocked so I stand there for a best before I rush to her and hug her.
"It's ok you're safe I'm here for you" I try to calm her. I walk her to the couch where we sit and I hold her as she tries to even out her breathing.
"Fuck, why do you have to be so nice to me. I'm sorry Caitlin. I didn't mean to st-start crying" she says with some hesitation.
"It's fine you can cry whenever you want" I reassure her.
"Caitlin I really messed up and I don't know how to tell you what I did" she whispers.
"Whatever it is we can deal with it" I tell her.
"Um so earlier when I was walking home from class this group of people approached me and they were asking me a bunch of questions about that party. I totally lost it and said something completely stupid" she starts to say.
"Ok take your time y/n" I say.
She takes a deep breath and continues.
"They were saying that they heard rumors about us dating" she tells me.
I tell her to keep going. I'm not surprised. I knew there would be rumors.
"I didn't really know how to answer so I kinda just stood there staring at them. Then I heard one of guys say something that made me a little insecure so I...I"she stops talking.
She takes another deep breath and mumbles out "I told them we were dating and then I ran away. When  we got to practice I could tell that our teammates knew what I said because of how they were looking at us"
I stare at her for a while just thinking about what she just told me.
"You have every right to be mad at me. I completely understand if you hate me and I will tell them tomorrow it wasn't true and"
"No" I interrupt her "I'm not mad at you. What did that guy say to you to make you feel that way"
"Nothing really just that someone like you...wouldn't want to go out with me"she says as she slumps into the couch.
All of a sudden I feel angrier than ever before. I hate seeing y/n so sled conscious.
"You know what? We're going to prove him wrong. We're going to make everyone think we're dating" I tell her.
I don't know where this came from but I'm rolling with it.
"Caitlin I can't ask you to do that for me. It could ruin your career" y/n responds.
"You didn't ask so it's fine. Besides it could be super fun to see what everyone has to say" I say.
"Are you positive this is ok?" She asks.
"Of course. Now y/n, will you be my official pretend girlfriend?" I ask.
She pretends to think about it for a minute.
"Definitely" she laughs.

I'm a sucker for a fake dating trope sorry guys.

As always leave comments for me plz🙏🏼

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