Part 9

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*Caitlin POV*
I'm currently at practice right now with the team and y/n hasn't said one word to me all day. It's become so obvious that I've had half the team ask me if we're in a fight. I tell them that I think she's mad at me but I don't know what for.
As soon as practice is over y/n leaves the gym. She's talking to everyone but me so when I get home I call Paige to see if she knows what's going on.
*on call*
Paige I'm having a huge emergency right now bro.
What going on? Are you ok? More importantly is y/n ok?
Wowww you're a sucky friend. You're more worried about y/n than me?
Of course I am she's my bestie.
Ok well I need your help. A couple days ago something happened with me and y/n.
Well spit it out.
I...kinda kissed her.
Are you being serious?
Let me guess. You totally freaked and didn't tell her what it meant to you and now she's ignoring you? Did I get that right? did you know all that? Did you already talk to y/n about this?
No but I've had experience in this subject with y/n.
What do you mean experience?
I guess you would have found out eventually. Me and y/n dated for a couple weeks last year.
You're kidding me.
I'm not. We broke up after a few weeks because it was too awkward. We just like being friends better.
Soooo what was it like dating her?
Why don't you ask her out your self and find out? I can sense the jealousy.
Maybe because she's mad at me and I don't know how to talk about this stuff. So what if I'm jealous? I'm allowed to have feels.
Ok girl in my experience y/n isn't going to talk to you first so you have to take charge. You're going to march up to her, tell her how you feel, and live happily ever after.
But what if she doesn't believe me? I kinda told her that I didn't know if I liked girls before I kissed her.
Well duh she's mad at you. You told her you're confused, then you kiss her, leave, and wonder why she won't talk to you. She probably feels like an experiment.
Shit. I really screwed up didn't I?
Royally screwed up. Now go try to fix it and get your girl.
Yes ma'am.
Wait. You're not still confused right? You do actually like her?
I really do like her. She's everything you could want. She's smart, friendly, cute, and I know she likes spending time with me.
Well it sounds like the only thing you need to do is tell her all that.
Ok thanks for the help Paige. And once I get with y/n don't try to get with her when you realize how great she is.
I like the fire girl. But don't worry I know how great she is but I think she can be greater with you.

*Y/n POV*
I'm sitting in my room watching some film on my computer when I hear my phone buzz on the night stand. It's a text from Paige.
Heyyyyyy just wanted to let you know that you might want to prepare yourself. A very jealous and fiery Caitlin is headed your way as you're reading this. Love you😘
When I'm done reading the text, Caitlin bursts through my door looking very aggressive.
*Caitlin POV*
I sit on y/n's bed and see that she's trying to avoid eye contact.
"Y/n can you look at me?" I ask.
"No" she says coldly.
I grab her chin with my hand and make her lol me in the eye. Her eyes are watering like she about to cry and I let go of her.
"Caitlin leave me alone please" she says.
"Y/n we need to talk. I know you're mad at me and I really want to sort this out" I tell her.
"I don't have anything to say to you" she whispers.
"Well I have something to say so just listen. I'm so sorry for leaving that night. I was scared and didn't know what I was doing but I didn't mean to hurt you" I explain to her.
"But you did hurt me Caitlin" she says. "When you left it was like your where playing with me and my feels. I was giving you space so you could figure stuff out but you never explained anything to me so then I got mad and started ignoring you."
"You have every right to be mad y/n. I didn't know how you could have interpreted it. You're a great person and I am so sorry for hurting you" I whisper to her.
"I forgive you but I need you to figure thing out Caitlin. Why did you kiss me if you don't like girls? She asks.
"I never worried about dating or relationships. All I cared about was basketball and my friends but then I met you. You're amazing and I thought you where super hot when I saw you but I didn't know how to process it so I ignored it. I tried to leave it alone until that night I couldn't anymore and I kissed you" I explained.
"So you liked me? But why didn't you tell me?" She asks.
"I didn't understand that I actually liked you until that night y/n. I'm so sorry for hurting you" I plead to her.
"It's ok. I understand Caitlin. I know you would never hurt me on purpose" she tells me.
"Thank you y/n" I say.
We sit there for a minute just looking at each other.
"Can I ask a question?" I ask her.
"You just did it go ahead" she tries to joke.
"Will...will you tell me how you feel about me?" I ask.
"Caitlin I like you. I've liked you for a while. With all the time we spend together I can't believe you didn't notice. Why do you think I was so mad at you?" She says.
When I hear what she said I can't take it anymore. I push her down on the bed and kiss her. Her lips are soft and perfect. She opens of mouth for me and we make out for a while.
Eventually I get enough courage to brush my hand under her shirt but she stops me.
"I'm sorry. Did I cross a line?" I ask as I climb off of her.
"No nothing like that I promise. It's just that I want to do this right and take it slow with you because you're special to me" she answers.
This girl is too perfect. I don't deserve her. I kiss her one more time and finally ask the question.
"Will you be my for real girlfriend?" I ask.
"Yes" she answers as she pulls me into a hug.

Almost a whole chapter in Caitlin's pov how do we feel? Also do you guys want smut because I've never written it but I can try💀

As always leave comments for me plz🙏🏼

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