New crush

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Hey, so I already have TWO READS!! YAY! I know that may not seem a lot to you, but it is to me, considering that I just wrote the first two chapters last night. I never thought that I would even get any reads!! Enough about me!! Next chapter is right here!:)

                  Your p.o.v

"Hey kids!" Cass said coming back with Mom's coffee and donut.
"(Y/n)? I see you have met Hiro!"
Hiro....even his name is cute! Wait, what? I just met the guy. Shut up (y/n)!
"Y-yeah," you stutter.
Stuttering? Seriously (y/n)?! He's gonna know you know you like him! You don't even know him! Whoa, what?
"Well, I hope you can come over sometime!" Cass says putting the donut and napkins in a paper bag and handing me the coffee.
"Y-yeah,s-sure," I said, still blushing. This Hiro guy was cute. You stopped staring and grabbed the bag Cass handed to you.
Stop....staring.... He's gonna think your a stalker!!!!
"Well, bye honey! Come again!" Cass said as I walked towards the door. I waved and looked at Hiro one more time before closing it.

Hiro p.o.v
She waved at me...oh god....
"W-whoa," I stuttered when The girl left. She was so pretty.
I'll never have a chance with her.....
"She's pretty cute, is she not?" Aunt Cass asked me, as she nudged my shoulder.
"Yeah..." I whispered, still staring at the the door.
Dang it Hiro! Why the heck did you just say that!?!
Aunt Cass gave me a tight hug.
"Awww!! My little college man finally has his first crush!"
I blushed. "N-no I d-dont!" I pulled her away and started up the stairs.
Aunt Cass started to sing softly.
"My Hiro has a crush! My Hiro has a crush!" I rolled my eyes and tried opened the door to my door, but it was jammed.
"Come on stupid thing- whoa!" The door opened quickly, pushing me to the floor.
"Ow!" I yelped in pain. I heard a familiar beeping and inflating noise. Baymax.
"Hello I am Baymax, your personal health care companion. I heard a sound of distress, what seems to be the trouble, Hiro?" Baymax recited.
I got up. "I just fell, I'm fine."
"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"
"Zero, bye Baymax, I am satisf-"
"I will scan you know," Baymax interrupted.
"You have sustain no injuries, however, your nurtransmember levels have risen steadily, and your heart rate has increased dramatically," Baymax said. "This means you have affection to someone,"
I blushed. Baymax was never wrong.
"Okay Buddy, Im satisfied with my care."
And with that, Baymax powered down.
I smiled. Could I really be falling in love with (y/n)?
Wow.. Even her name is beautiful.... SHUT UP HIRO! You don't even know her! But she's so pretty......
(He likes ya! ^3^ )
Your p.o.v
I couldn't get him out of my head. Those eyes, that hair, his smile. I've never fallen in love before.
Wait,what?  No I'm not falling in love with him, I don't even know him......
I walked home, in a daze, still thinking of Hiro's dreamy eyes. I opened the door and and gave the coffee to my mother.
"So, how'd it go?" She asked.
"Great," I said, smiling.
I headed to my room, but didn't turn back on the tv.
I need to go there again.... I need to see Hiro again.....
I layed on my bed, and closed my eyes.
Wow.....I'm in Love... How crazy....
I slowly drifted to sleep, wondering if I would ever see 'Hiro' again.

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