The seventh one

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated!!! School started like two months ago! (Yeah mine starts REAAAAAALLLLY early!!)

Y/n P.o.v

"Close your eyes!" Hiro told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"I wanna show you something!" He said, grabbing my hand.

I rolled my eyes and shut them as Hiro led me to the garage.
(Timeskip to a few seconds!)

"Now," He said once we were at the garage.
I smiled and opened my eyes, to see fc armor on a table next to Baymax's charger.
"You are the newest member of big hero 6!" Hiro told me. "I hope you like it."
"Are you kidding?!" I exclaimed. "I love it! Thank you!" I hugged Hiro tight and blushed.
He's so sweet!
I grabbed the suit and went to try it out. It was awesome!

*ANOTHER timeskip* (SORRY!!!)

"The man has not been identified yet, but police are searching the area where the explosion happened and trying to continue with the investigation."
The newswoman said.
I stared in shock at the TV, not believing what I was seeing.
"He blew it up?!"
(A/n I couldn't thing of a specific place for him to blow up, so just make a random one up!)

Hiro got up from the (couch/sofa) (however you prefer to say it :3)
and pulled his phone out of his pocket.
"It looks like you just got your first mission," he
I smiled excitedly.
Ok y/n, this could be really dangerous so just keep calm and don't freak out..

Hiro's P.o.v

I loved watching her smile.
She's so beautiful..
I walked up to my room, (so y/n couldn't hear me, obvi,)
dialed Honey's number, and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey, Honey. Did you see that thing on the news?" I asked.

"The explosion thing? Yeah. Freaky..." She trailed off.

"Listen, I made (y/n) a suit and-"

"Wait!" She interrupted me.

"What?" I asked

"You made (y/n) a suit?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh my gosh!!" She squealed. "You did it so you could spend more time with her!"

By now my cheeks were a deep red, and I was glad Honey couldn't see.
"What? No!"

"Don't deny it!"

I rolled my eyes in defeat.

Honey screamed. "Yay! I already have a ship name! (Insert ship name here) I love it! I ship it so hard!"

"Anyway,can you call the rest of the gang and tell them to meet us at the garage at 8 tonight?" I asked her.

"Why can't you do it?"
She gasped. "(Y/n)'s over there isn't she?!"


"Yay! And I will. We don't want your quality time together to be wasted by phone calls, do we?" She teased.

I sighed. "Bye Honey," and hung up.

Now I just have to hope that Honey won't tell the team that I like y/n...

Y/n's P.o.v

Man, I hope Honey doesn't tell the gang about me liking Hiro...

Hope you had a good summer and ugh, I have school tomorrow and I'm writing this like at 10 pm and I am tired! :P SORRY ITS SO SHORT!!!! Well I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for so many READS!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!1111!!!!1!1!!!!


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