Surprise meeting

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Hey guys! I fiiinnnallllyy updated! Yay!

Your p.o.v

*time skip to the next day*

Beep beep beep!!!!

I was awakened by my annoying alarm clock. I stopped it and checked the time.
6:30. Ugh, too early. There's no way I'm going back to sleep.

The morning sun peeked through my window's blinds, casting sun rays all into my room, creating a comfortable warmth in my bedroom.
I slid out of my bed and walked to my closet. I picked out a f/c blouse with jeans and f/c converses. After I got dressed, I watched videos on my phone until Mom called me.
"(Y/n)! Sweetie, do you mind going down to the Lucky Cat Café for me, again?!"
My eyes widened and I smiled wide.
Yes!! I could see him again!
I snapped out of my thoughts.
"No! It's okay, I'll go!" I yelled to her.
I can't wait to see Hiro agai- whoa, what?
"Stupid (Y/n)! You don't even know the guy!" I snapped at myself.
Ugh...sometimes I can be a real idiot..
I walked down the stairs and saw my mother at the door, holding a few books.
"Here," she started, giving me the books. "Give these to Cass. They're cook books that she might like."
"Okay, Mom. Bye!" I opened the door and walked outside.
"Bye, Honey!"

*timeskip* (sorry! -_-)

I has carrying the cook books in tired arms, walking down the sidewalk,a few blocks away from the café.
Gosh these are heavy books...
I looked down at the top one.
Homemade Family dishes.... Ugh... This reminds me of dad... That jerk

We would always cook homemade meals together, the whole family, Mom, Dad, s/n, (BTW s/n means your sister's name. If you don't have a sister, just make up a name) and me.
We were so happy, until Dad became a control freak. He would control my whole life- almost abusively. Soon, after Mom had found out, Dad moved across the country. We never saw him again.
I don't miss that idiot at all....
Suddenly, out of my thoughts, I bumped into someone-dropping the books. I looked up to see that Hiro guy.
Oh my gosh.... Its him...
"Oh, S-sorry," He stuttered, crouching down, and helping me pick up the books.
Wait is he....Stuttering?
"Oh, no, i-its m-my fault," I stuttered, when our hands touched, trying to grab the same book. I blushed deep, and looked up, meeting Hiro's eyes. We were so close, about 3 inches from each other. My heart was beating a million times a minute. I removed my hand and grabbed the book,still blushing.

Sorry its so short-bye guys!!

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