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I'm back! And I have almost 50 reads! Yay! Thank you guys so much! ^.^ anyway, I finally updated after like 10000 years! Enjoy:)

Hiro p.o.v

Dang it Hiro! Awkward much?!

I blushed(yes, I know that's a girl thing) and gave her the book.
"S-so....... (y/n)? I'm Hiro," I stuttered again.

Seriously Hiro?!

"Hey, Hiro, so, Cass is your aunt?" She asked.
"Yeah," I replied. "So, where ya going?"

Stalker much?

"Actually, I was heading to her Café right now," she said, holding up the books. "I have to give these books to her,"
Gosh her eyes are beautiful
"Want me to w-walk y-you there?" I said, stuttering, again.
"S-sure," she said, or stuttered,
Wait, did she? No, I'm just hearing things

*time skip to the café*

(Y/n p.o.v)

Hiro is really funny, and smart, and soooooo cute! Wait, what? Y/n! Stop! You barely know him!

Hiro told me all about his school, his friends, who seem amazing I might add, and his family. Apparently, he's in college at 14, and his brother, Tadashi, died about 4 months ago.
[Let's all have a moment of silence for Tadashi....]

Every time i look at him I get butterflies.....

"Aww! Thank you sweetie!" Cass said when I gave her the books.
I turned back to Hiro. He grabbed my hand and ran towards a flight of stairs. "C'mon!I want you to meet someone!" He said. I blushed at the thought of our hands connecting. I quickly laced our hands together, the followed right behind him.
I hope he doesn't notice...

*short time skip* (again) [sorry!-_-]

"Hello,I am Baymax, you're personal health care compainion." The robot said.
"That's so cool," I laughed and smiled.
"Yeah," Hiro said. "He's supose to help people."
"Omg!" I yelled."Hiro, that's so nice."
"You really need to meet Honey," Hiro said.
"I will scan you now. Scan complete," Baymax continued.
What the? What's it doing?
"You're nuotransmeter levels are rising steadily, common in adolescents, diagnosis:"
Pleeeeaaaaassse don't say puberty!!
"Baymax, she's satisfied with her care," Hiro said, as Baymax waddled back to his red box.
I sighed a breath of relief.
"So, wanna meet my friends?" Hiro asked.
"Uh, yeah!" I said with a tone of obvious to my voice. "They sound awesome!"

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