Hands tied

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Hey guys ! Sorry I haven't updated!  Ive been reeeaallly busy, and i have so many reads, ive lost count! Thank you guys!!Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Y/n p.o.v

I was texting Hiro when I heard my sister , Amanda calling.
"(Y/n)!" she called as she knocked on the door."Can I come in?"
I looked up."Sure!" I answered.
She came in and sat on my bed next to me."Who are you texting?"
I looked back at my phone."No one, just my friend"
She quickly grabbed my phone and read some texts.
"Hiro? Is this the guy you've been seeing?" She asked.
I blushed and took my phone back. "Y-yeah..."
She laughed and left my room. Right after she shut the door, my phone rang.
I sighed and answered it.
"Hey, (y/n)," he said.
"So, what's up?" He asked.
"Nothing much," I answered."why?"
"Because we haven't talked in weeks," He started. "Where have you been?"
I knew he would be jealous if i told him that i was hanging out with Hiro.                                                               "You've been with Hiro, haven't you?"He asked.                                                                                                I blushed and looked down. "Y-yeah...but-"

"I'll come over so we can hang out, ok?" 

"Fine, but you can't stay till 3, because-"

"Hiro's coming over, isn't he?" He cut me off again and sighed. "Be there in 10. Bye"

"Bye," I said.


"So, what do you do when your over there?" Brian asked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. That was like the 100th question he asked about me and Hiro.

"You know what?" I finally answered. "I'm done. I'm done with your questions! Look, I know your jealous, but I thought you came over to 'hang out!' Not to ask questions about Hiro!"

He was speechless. After what felt like forever, he blinked. "I understand. Sorry. See you at school.."

Man, talk about rude,much?

He walked down the stars and to the front door.

"Look, Brian, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it to be that harsh." I said.

He walked off, not saying a word, and passed Hiro. My frown turned into a smile as I seen Hiro walking up to my (house/apartment) I ran up and hugged him tight, forgetting about Brian. Here, in Hiro's arms, I'm safe. 

After I let out of the hug, I looked into his eyes. Those big, memorizing eyes. After snapping myself back into reality, I noticed Hiro had brought Baymax with him.

"You brought Baymax?" I asked, looking down at his red box. 

"Yeah," He said. "I thought we could show you some of our moves so you could catch on." 

Hiro P.o.v

Man, y/n is catching on great! She'll definitely be a valued member of the team. I wonder why Brian was here though...

"Was that good?" She asked after finishing one of her moves. 

"Good?! That was..." 

"Sick." Baymax interrupted.

We laughed. "Exactly! It was sick!" I said, looking into y/n's eyes. "You're doing awesome!"

She smiled. "Thanks."

We took a break and talked.                                           "So," she started. "Have you decided if your going to Honey's sleepover thing?"

"Yeah,I'm going," I reasured her. "Besides, its just the gang."

"So, you promise you're going?"

"Yes," I began. "I promise!"

"Good, cause, honestly, if you weren't going to go, then I wouldn't have,either" she said.A light shade of pink colored my cheeks.


She smiled. "Yeah,I mean, you're my best friend and without you, it wouldn't be fun."

I looked into her eyes. Those beautiful, (e/c) eyes. I knew I was staring, but I didn't care, she's just soooooo beautiful...


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