Chapter One: "Let there be light"

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The hot summer sun beat on the red umbrella above Evie Munson's head. She sat perched on the lifeguard tower, and the rescue tube clenched towards her chest.

Her Ray bands sat on the bridge of her freckled nose as she still squinted from the bright sun.

Kids from all ages splashed in the pool below her, rough housing and screaming as they chased each other. She tapped her foot as "Good Vibrations" played soflty through the raspy speakers on each side of the pool.

Her red one peice stood out brightly among the colorful swimsuits that littered the pool. Mothers sat on the chairs by the pool as they let the sun glazed their skin.

She lifted the sweating water bottle to her lips and took a long gulp. She sat it back down in her lap.

A scene unfolded in front of her as it caught her eye. One of the kids in the middle of the pool she knew as to be a bully was dunking one of the smaller kids.

He harshly grabbed at the water, but the bigger kid would let him back up for sir.

She brought the red whistle to her lips and blew as a sharp whistle echoed throughout the pool. The inhabitants all looked towards. "Kurtis! No Dunking. Let him back up. This is your last warning before I kick you out." She hollered.

The kid emideately obliged and pulled the kid back up to the surface. He coughed and gasped for air.

She blew the whistle again to announce they may continue swimming.

"You alright?" She asked the fragile boy whom she knew to named Timmy.

He looked up towards her. "Yes, Ms. Munson." He gave a toothy grin.

"That's good to hear." She smiled at the small boy who swam over to another group of kids.

She checked her watch and found it was time to climb down for her break. She climbed down the chipped white ladder and jumped off the last step.

"Good vibrations" switched to "Moving in Stereo" as Billy Hargrove made his way over for him shift.

She slightly moved out of his path and prayed for no interaction with him. He quickly stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

"Did you warm my seat for me, baby?" He smirked the girl with him lips pressed tightly around a cigarette. The sun glazed at his tan figure.

If he wasn't such a dick she would have found him attractive. Young girls in colorful swimsuits eyed Billy's body as they passed them, and others glared harshly at the girl for even being near his presence.

Evie ignored him and walked past him, but a hand reached out, grabbing her shoulder, stopping her. She clenched her jaw. "Fuck off." She growled glaring a the curly haired boy a she shoved his hand off.

"Come on, you know you want me. I've never had a goth bitch before. Are those fingers as good as while you play that guitar of You're I've heard about." He smirked, eying her slim figure.

She slapped him right across the face. He laughed as he regained himself and drew his left hand over his sharp jawline.

"Fiesty, I like it." He said, moving closer to her, feet almost touching.

She kneed him in the groin as he yelped in pain, Hunching over.
"Oh, you're going to pay for that." He gritted his teeth in agony.

She rolled her eyes and pressed her hands against his chest, pushing him into the pool behind him.

A loud splash was heard, and people gasped as the boy came up gasping for air. "Are you alright?" A young girl asked a now fuming Billy and placed a hand on his shoudler.

He threw her hand off and stared down the dark-haired girl. She could see the rigid cords in his neck as they flexed in anger. "You fuckig Bitch." He growled.

"Evie! My office." Paul shouted angrily, pointing towards his office.

Evie scoffed as she looked at her boss, and slowly walked over.

                       ~         ~          ~

"Wait so let me get this straight, Hargrove hit on you, then you declined his offer-

As you should." Robin interrupted Steve as she cleaned a dirty table.

Evie pulled a cigarette out of her pocket and lit it with her lighter, then shoved the lighter back in her pocket.

She brought the cigarette to her lips and breathed in the smoke. Exhaling with a sign of relief.

Steve rolled his eyes as he scooped rocky road into a waffle cone.

"As I was saying, then he continued to hit on you as you already said no, then pretty much grabbed you, then you kneed him in the groin and shoved him into the pool. But while protecting yourself you got fired?" Steve asked, looking at her for confirmation.

"Yep." She popped the p, exhaling smoke. Robin walked over with a trash bag where evie was leaning on the doorframe and plucked the cigarette out of her plump lips.

"Nope." Robin shook her head, pressing the cigarette against the floor with her beat up red converse. She picked up the sqashed cigarette with a disgusted face and threw it in the trash bag.

"Come on Rob." Evie pleaded looking up at her best friend.

"Nope you're not smoking your sorrows away." Robin nodded and proceeded to throw  the trash bag into the dumpster nearby.

"Guys a fucking dick." Steve mumbled.
Evie hummed in agreement.

"Are...Are you okay? After all that?" Steve asked looking into her eyes.

"Yeah, I've dealt with guys like him all my life." She shook her shoudlers as if it didn't bother her.

"You shouldn't have to." He said patting her shoudler.
"Yea." She agrees walking over to the sink and washing her hands.

"Is that new?" Steve asked looking over her shoudler at the bats tattooed on her forearm identical to her brothers. The plastic wrap glistening against her pale skin.

She blushed at how close he was standing to her and drew her eyes down to her forearm.

"Yeah. I ended up falling in love with the tattoo I did for my brother. So I decided to tattoo it on myself.

"It's cool. It's crazy how you can just tattoo yourself like that." He smiled admiring her work.

"Thank you." She grinned.
She dried her hands and grabbed her scooper and went over to help customers.

"You know i really wish I could've seen you push him in the pool." Robin frowned leaning on the doorframe to the storage room.

"It was so fuckig funny. His face was priceless." Evie laughed as she added a dollar to the tip jar.

The lights in the mall started flickering until then went completely out.

"The fuck." Evie mumbled while looking up a the ceiling.

Steve walked over to the light switch and flipped it back and forth over and over.

"It isn't gonna work dingus." Robin advised giving Steve an annoyed look.

Robin and Evie have been friends since freshman year. They met while suffering in gym class and watching the boys particularly Steve fail at basketball.

"Oh,really?" Steve said frantically flicking the lights switch back and forth.
The lights flipped back on in the mall as Steve flipped to the on side of the switch. Steve gave the girls a mocking look.

"Let their be light." He exclaimed walking to the cash register.

Robin caught Evie's eye and shook her head.
Word count: 1247

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