Chapter 14:"The Battle at Starcourt." (Part:2)

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Jesus, how far is this place, man?" Steve grumbled, watching the road.

"Relax, we're almost there." Dustin reassured.

"Suzie must be pretty special, huh? And lugged us all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her?" Robin asked, looking towards Dustin.

"I mean, nobody's scientifically perfect, but she's scientifically perfect to me." Evie smiled as Dustin blushed.

"Does she sound made up to you? Cause she sounds made up to me." Erica said as Evie and Steve shared a quick glance.

"Why did you look at each other, and why are you hesitating, Steve, Evie?" Dustin looked between the two in disbelief.

"I'm---I'm--I'm not!I'm not! I think she sounds real. You know, totally, absolutely real. Right Evie?" Steve glanced as his girl.

"Right, right, totally." Evie nodded.

"Left, Left. Turn left." Dustin yelled.
"There's no road." Steve spoke, looking through his left window.

"Turn left." Dustin shrieked. As Steve harshly turned left, breaking a fence and going up the grassy hill.

Evie grabbed the dash for support as the three shrieked in the back.

"Were not gonna make it." Robin spoke as Steve pressed the pedal harsher.

"Cmon baby." Steve smacked the wheel as the car made a harsh stop a little more than halfway up the hill.

"Guess the todfather has limitations." Robin shook her head as Evie smoothed her hair from her face.

They all jumped out of the car and ran up to the radio.

Evie stood next to Steve and Robin as Dustin picked up the walkie.

"Bald eagle, this is scoops troop. Do you copy it?" Dustin spoke as Murray copied from the radio.

"Call sign?" Dustin asked.
"Bald eagle." Murray spoke.

"Please repeat." Dustin asked as Evie and Robin giggled.

"This is Bald Eagle. This is Bald Eagle!" Murray spoke harshly.

"Copy that." Dustin Saif.
"Good to hear you, Bald Eagle. "What's your 20?" Dustin asked.

"We reached the vent. I'll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence." Murray said.

"Roger that, Bald Eagle. This is Scoops troop, going radio silent. 10-10, over." Dustin said before cutting off.

Steve pat Dustin's back as Evie gave a proud grin.

Steve sat next to Robin on the ground and pulled Evie down to sit next to him. She tiredly layed her head on Steve's shouder as he rubbed her back.

"If my memory serves, this is right after the My Little Pony thesis." Dustin said as Erica nodded.

"We went left, so he has to go right." Erica spoke.

"Fly right, Bald Eagle." Dustin spoke into the walkie.

"Roger that, flying right." Murray answered back.

Steve abruptly stood up and walked towards the edge of the hill.

Evie shook her head and scooted over to Robin and layed her head on her shoulder. Robin smiled and pat her back.

"What's the My Little Pony thesis?" Robin asked.

"Don't get him started." Eric's warned with an annoyed look.

"Get him started? Just tell me." Robin said.

"Hey guys?" Steve said, cutting the conversation off.

The group looked towards Steve and got up and walked over to him.

Lights flashed everywhere at starcourt.
The group emideately walked towards the walkie.

"Griswald family, this is Scoops troop! Do you copy it? Over!" Dustin spoke frantically as Evie worriedly looked at Steve.

He gave her a reassuring smile and grabbed her hand, and comfortingly held it.

Dustin repeated before a crashing soi d was heard in the walkie.

Dustin repeated again, but a loud roaring sound was heard on the other end.

Dustin continued to repeated but nobody picked up on the other side.

Steve got a wild look in his eye and rushed over to the tod father.

"Where are you going?!" Erica shouted.
"To ge them the hell outta there!" Steve shouted back.

Evie hurriedly stood up and ran off after him, along with Robin following.

Steve got in the driver's side with Evie in the passenger and Robin, who just got in the back.

"Maybe you should stay here. I don't want you to get hurt." Steve said, looking towards Evie.

"Like hell I am. We're going with you." Evie made her point clear and fastened her seat belt.

Steve shook his head before turning on the car.

Steve raced to the starcourt parking lot to find Billy's Camara racing into Nancy and the kids.

Without thinking, Steve raced towards billys car and crashed against it. Sending it away from Nancy and the kid.

Evie sat in disbelief after crashing in Billy's car.

"You okay?" Steve asked Evie and Robin.
"Ask me tomorrow." Robin smiled awkwardly.

Steve looked at Evie, who gave him a reassuring nod.

Evie heard snarling and looked up to see the mind flayer on top of starcourt.

"Jesus." Evie mumbled.
Jonathan rolled up to them in Nancy's car.
"Get in." Nancy said as the three hurried into the back of the car.

Evie, Steve, and Robin watched in disbelief as the mind flayer ran after the car.

"Dusty bun, you copy?" A girls voice said over the walkie.

"I copy, suzie-poo." Dustin's voice followed.

"Holy shit." Evie said with her eyes widened.

"What?" Steve asked, confused.
"It's Suzie." Evie said as Steve made an o shape with his lips.

The two talked over the mic until Susie's voice stopped annoyed.

"Turn around,
Look at what you see,
In her face,
The mirror of your dreams,
Make believe im everywhere,
Given in the light,
Written in the pages is,
The answer to a never-ending story."
Suzie and Dustin harmonized in unison.

"Ya know, I'm not even gonna ask while we have a monster literally chasing after the car." Evie giggled, shaking her head as Steve and Robin smiled at her.

Suzie and Dustin sang until Suzie gave up the number of planks constant.

"You just saved the world." Dustin said.
"Gosh, I miss you, dusty-bun." Susie's light voice spoke.

"I miss you more, Suzie-poo." Dustin spoke with a smile in his voice.

"I miss you more, multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy." Suzie said.

Evie heard Erica say enought and the walkie cut out.

The monster shrieked and turned around. Heading back to starcourt.

"It's turning around." Steve voiced.
"What?" Nancy said, looking through the back window.

"It's turning around." Steve voiced again.

"Maybe we wore it out." Lucas thought out loud.
"I don't think so. Hold on." Jonathan said roughly, turning the car around.

Robin and Evie bumped heads, and Robin shrieked loudly as the car whipped around.
Word count: 1094



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