Chapter Two: "Ahoy!"

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"Have a lovely day at work." Eddie jokingly smiled as she opened the van door.

"Asshole." She said while climbing out of his van.

"Love you too." He yelled, and she waved as he sped out of the front of the mall.
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"Another tally on the you suck side Rob." Evie called to her friend while watching through the storage window as Steve miserably flirted with two customers.

"Already." Robin called while grabbing a black marker and making a small line.

"Yea." Evie responded and looked towards her friend.

Robin finished and brought the whiteboard over to the window.

"And another one bites the dust. You are oh-for-six, popeye." Robin told the boy while pointing to the tally mark.

Evie giggled next to Robin at Steve's annoyed face.

"Yeah. Yeah. I can count." Steve stated as he crossed his arms and leaned on the ice cream counter.

"Oh really." Evie spoke with a taunting smile.

"Don't you start." Steve pointed his finger at the dark-haired girl.

She raised her hands in surrender as a blush crept up her neck. She turned to the side and rubbed her neck to hide the blush.

"You know that means you suck."Robin taunted.

"Yea, I can read too." Steve stated with his eyebrows raised.

"Since when." Robin teased while giving a sly grin to Evie, who then returned it.

"It's the stupid hat I am telling you. It is totally blowing my best feature." Steve rambled while coming closer to the open window.

Robin gave the whiteboard to Evie, who set it on the table.
"Yeah, company policy is a real drag." Robin spoke uninterested.

"You know, it's a crazy idea, but have you considered..telling the truth.? Robin asked.

"Oh, you mean that I couldn't even get into Tech. And my douchbag dad is trying to teach me a lesson. I make three bucks an hour, and I have no future? That truth?" He asked the short haired girl.

A girl caught Robin's eye,  and she acknowledged Steve.

"Hey, twelve o' clock." Robin pointed out.

Evie sat down at the breakroom table and watched the two.

"Oh, shit, oh, shit. Okay...uh...I'm going in. Okay?" He whispered.

"And you're know what screw company policy." He said while ripping the sailor hat from his head and throwing it down.

Evie rolled her eyes and rested her head on the cook table.

"Oh my God. You're a whole new man." Robin said, mocking suprise.

"Ahoy ladies! Didn't see you there." Steve raised his voice.

Robin gave a disgusted look and added a tally to the you suck side.

She walked towards her friend and sat across from her.
"You know if you just told him you have feelings for him, he would finally have a tally on the you rule side." Robin smirked.

Evie stiffled a laugh and raised her head.

"Don't beat yourself up about him." Robin leaned closer.

"He wouldn't want me." Evie sighed with a sad expression.
"How could anybody not want you. If he doesn't ask you out, I will." Robin grinned.

Evie blushed at the compliments.
"I might take you up on that."Evie flirted.

"That's my girl." Robin smiled and patted the girls shoulder.

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"Thanks for the ride." Evie thanked the harrington boy on the driver's side.
"Bye Robin." Evie waved and climbed out of Steve's car.
Robin waved, and Steve drove off to drop her off.

She climbed up the steps to the trailer and opened the door.
She walked in to find Wayne passed out on the couch.

She draped a blanket over his body and smiled to herself at the man who had been more of a father than her own ever was.

The reason she got the job was so that she could take some of the working load off of Wayne and save up for a car.

Eddie must have been out dealing, so she grabbed the heated up lasagna out of the microwave with a fork and took it to her room.

Word count: 677

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