Chapter Eight: "Thats definitely not Chinese food."

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"You nerds in position or what?" Erica's voice sounded through the walky talky.

"Yes, we're in posion." Evie spoke into the walky over Robin's shoudler. She was kneeling between Her and Steve as well as Dustin on Steve's other side.

They were scoping at the top of a building. Dustin looked through binoculars.

"It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light."Robin spoke into the walky.

"Green Light, Roger that. Commence operation child endangerment." Erica's voice sounded through the walky.

"Can we maybe not call it that." Robin gruffly spoke with Steve nodding to her words.

"See you on the other side, nerds." Erica said before beginning the mission.

"You know, we're really screwed if she doesn't make it back? Like jail screwed." Evie fretted picking at her nail polish.

"She'll be fine. She's really smart for her age." Steve assured the girl.
Evie nodded even though there were fears still nagging at her.

Steve grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. Evie blushed with a smile growing in her lips.

"Alright, nerds, I'm here." Erica spoke.
"Do you see anything?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about." Erica answered.

"Any guards?" Evie asked over Robin's shoulder.

"Negative." Erica answered.
Evie nodded even though Erica couldn't see her.

"Booby traps?" Robin questioned.

"If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps." Erica answered.

"Thank you for that." Robin spoke through the walky.

"Hiya." They heard Erica kick through something.

"Im in." Erica spoke through the walky.

"Oh god." Steve muttered, bringing a hand to his face. Evie rubbed his shoulder with her other hand.

Evie looked down to see Erica step through the doors and outside.

"Free ice cream for life." Erica reminded them, pointing.

Robin and Dustin stood up with Steve pulling Evie up.

They raced off the building and met Erica out front by the doors.

Evie trailed behind Dustin and robin. The room they were so desperately to get into was filled to the brim with boxes piled in top of each other.
The boxes had a panda logo on them

Steve walked over to one of the boxes and started pulling the tape off. He lifted the folds to find a metal box.

He twisted the lever and pulled off the lid. Air hissed, and smoke flew, put off the box.

Evie, Steve, Dustin, Erica, and Robin peered into the metal box to see a second lid.

"That's definitely not Chinese food." Steve spoke to no one in particular.

"Uh, maybe you guys should stand back." Steve advised.

Evie, Robin, and Erica stepped far away. Dustin decides to stay with Steve.

"Nah." Dustin refused to move.
"Dude." Evie waved the curly haired boy over, but he refused.

"You should stand back." Steve said, pushing against Dustin's chest, but he stood still.

"Seriously." Steve said, continuing to push against the boy.

"If you die, I die." Dustin stated.
There was a moment of silence before Steve said ok and moved he turned the lever inside the metal box and pulled out a jar of green, bubbly liquid.

"What the hell." Steve mumbled, staring into the jar.

"The fuck." Evie mumbled entranced by the liquid.

"What is that?" Robin asked.

Evie heard a loud them and then the storage room started to shake.
"Is that just me or did the room move?" Dustin asked looking around.

"Not just you." Evie mumbled.
"Booby traps." Erica whispered when the room rumbled again.

"Let's just grab that and go." Robin stated grabbing the jar from Steve's grasp.

Mechanical sounds started to whirr around the room.

Dustin moved over to the control system and looked towards the buttons.

"Which one do I press Erica?" Dustin questioned.

"Just press the damn button nerd." Erica  answered.

Evies' hands began to shake at the fear of being stuck in the small room. Since she was little, she had always had a fear of tight spaces, especially dark ones.

When her father used to come home drunk, he would lock her in a closet. When her father passed out, Eddie would come out and unlock her from the closet. She still hadn't come up for a reason as to why he would that other than the face he was a asshole.

She leaned against the wall and slid down so that she was sitting. She pulled her legs up to wrap her arms around.

Steve and Dustin started yelling to each other about what button to press.

Steve pressed random buttons when the door suddenly slid down. Trapping them inside the storage room.

The door slammed, and the room turned into an elevator going down. The lights flashed in and out, and the only sounds you could hear inside the room were the screams of its inhabitants.

Evie pressed her hands over her ears to block the sounds and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck,fuck." She mumbled.

Steve shakingly made his way over to evie and grabbed her shaking hand. She tightened her grip so tightly Steve thought she was going to break his hand. He could hear her ragged breathing and began to feel worried for her.
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