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More than a month had passed and Khuranna family had shifted to New York. Kashish was adament to follow Khushi that morning..So helpless Khushi took her. Infact Khushi didnot have anything to hide. Kashish was her child,Khurrana her parents. Her past had long been wiped off..

And she wished to she Anjali's reaction watching Kashish. Actually Kashish's biological sperm donor was Aryan Singh Raichand. And she had so much resemblance with him. But it never made Khushi hate the little girl. She was Kashish,her child and nothing else mattered..

Anjali was surprised to see a tiny baby of no more that 5 in Khushi's arm. As they came closer,Anjali smumbled back,taking in the features of the baby..

Khushi made Kashish sit.. She then introduced Kashish to Anjali..

Kashish,the sweet angel,started chatting with Anjali. Soon Anjali forgot her skeptism and fell for the sweet baby..

But within fifteen minutes,Kashish was breathless. Khushi fed her some water and patted her to relax.

"Kashish,baby,how many time have I told you,not to talk too much. It makes you tired dear..Will you ever listen to me dear?"scolded Khushi..

"But Mama,aunty is so sweet..I want to hear aunty laugh. Her eyes are sad sad. And you know baby Kashish likes people happy happy.."pouted Kashish..

Anjali just melted watching the cute Mother daughter duo.. How she wished to have a sweet child like her..

After Kashish became little normal,Khushi bid goodbye to Anjali and left..

Once or twice a week,whenever baby Kashish would wake up early,she would follow Khushi to meet her Anji Aunty. And it was cherished moments for Anjali.. How she wished to ask the adress of Khushi to meet Kashish daily .

One day as Khushi was working in her new office,Neha rushed inside. She had this huge grin on her face that showed she had won a jackpot..

"What happened Neha..You are too exited about something?"asked Khushi..

"Ma'am you won't believe if I tell you this.. But ASR has reached out to us from his side"exclaimed Neha..

Neha thought Khushi would be exited too. But there was no reaction on her face. She again buried her face in her laptop,working..

Neha stood there for few minutes wondering if she should tell Khushi the news again..

As Khushi saw Neha standing there,she raised her eyebrows asking what..

Neha nodded a no and ran away. Khushi chuckled a little watching her. The people in her family were little crazy. Yet she loved them to death..

Again she was serious and began working..

Neha met Karan outside. He asked Neha what happened. So Neha told her whatever happened.

Karan smiled at silly Neha..

"You know Neha,ASR has only his sister. Do you think,she would be out unmonitored?"asked Karan..

Neha nodded No..
"Do you think Khushi Ma'am does not know it?"he again asked..

Neha then got it..So Khushi was already waiting for Arnav to reach out to her. Infact it seemed she expected more from ASR. Like a call to meet after a day or two of her friendship with Anjali..

"Then Karan,do you think,ASR doesnot care enough about Anjali? Why did he took so much time to reach out to us?"asked Neha curious..

"No. Actually he might have taken his time to wait and see what we are planning. He must have already our infos on his table in a day or two.. But I think baby Kashish was the trigger that triggered him. He must be looking forward to meet us"explained Karan..

"Then why was Ma'am's reaction so normal? And why did she not accept it?"again asked Neha..

"That's because the moment ASR had done a background check on us,he must have known our wish to meet him.  Even so he didnot reply to our request. Now Ma'am is going to make ASR wait. Actually it would not be long. But he should know who he would be paying with..It's like this Neha..Game between predators,where both donot like to loose. Until it's not friendship,till then these two people would keep testing each other"answered Karan..

Neha scratched her head. Though she had high IQ and EQ. She was really not for business..

"But are not they going to be working together against Raichands?"asked Neha..

"Of course they will. But they are territorial. Like lions. Have you seen two lions existing in a forest?"said Karan..

"Then Karan,how would this work.. They would be at each other's throat any given moment"asked a worried Neha. She was really worried..

"That is what it is. And Neha,there are no two lions. One is a lion then other is a lioness. Its just,who opens up first "said Karan with a smile. He somehow felt the shift in air. Somehow Arnav and Khushi fit together like a pieces of a puzzle..

Neha too sighed in relief. Atleast her Sister would not be hurt..

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