Singularity F : III

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Chapter 3 : Training the Shield

"So,what you were saying,the only servants in this Holy Grail War are you, Berserker,Saber and Archer. What about Rider?"Olga was trying to make better sense of their situation.Apparently,here was in course a Holy Grail War.

"Well,this can be hardly described as a Holy Grail War. Masters disappeared,and Saber took the Holy Grail." Cu Chulainn waited a moment to let that information sink in."And yes,me, Berserker,Saber and Archer are the only servants here.Rider,last time i saw them,they were battling with Berserker."

"Can you tell more about the Servants?"Olga asked.She needed all the information she can get.

"Well,Rider is presumably dead."Cu Chulainn started.

"O-oh."Ritsuka didn't expect that.

"Saber battled Berserker a lot of times,with no one winning.If not,she stays inside a mountain,as if it was her base."

"Archer just follows around Saber,and works as her gatekeeper for the mountain."

"And Berserker just wanders around like a mindless corpse."

The last part reminded Ruler of something,but he quickly shook it off.

"What do you think are our chances of victory?"Ritsuka wanted to know if they would get out of there alive.

"Well, considering we have a Divine spirit,me as a demi-god and a seemingly though Shielder, with all of them having Noble Phantasms-"Cu Chulainn was cut off by the shy teen.

"W-well,i don't have o-one really...The hero didn't say what their name was..."Mash was stuttering shyly.

"Perfect.A servant who doesn't have a Noble Phantasm.Just great."Olga emotions were unstable at this point.

"So,what are we going to do?"Ritsuka asked.

"Well,even if we are powerful as this,i wouldn't risk having a shielder without a Noble Phantasm,making hard to defend the master,and counting our enemies are heavy hitters that can surpass her defense..."Cu Chulainn was taking this seriously, counting all the outcomes.Then,he said something that caught off guard Mash."We will make the lass have a Noble Phantasm."

"B-but how!?You can't just make a Noble Phantasm appear!?"Olga was seriously breaking at this point.

"L-like Director-San said...H-how?"Mash was unsure.

Suddenly,Ruler interrupted."We will force it."This confused the group."Noble Phantasms are not easy to master,but can be casted thanks to strong emotions or a strong desire to make something.So..."Ruler turned towards the Caster,who knows where this is going.

"A-are you sure about this, Senpai...?Mash was unsure if this is going to work and with Senpai risking getting hurt, wasn't any better.

"Yeah!We will get you have your Noble Phantasm in no time!"Ritsuka was optimistic about this,they will help Mash.

"So,what are we going to do?"He asked.

"Well... I'm going to launch my attacks at you."

Olga and Mash weren't probably in the best of moods right now. The director tried to stop the thing from happening,not risking getting the Master hurt.

"What-"Olga was cut off when shadow tentacles grabbed her like a sack of potatoes."Hey!Put me down!"

"No can do,miss.This is for the best of our team."Ruler said.

"Master Candidate 48!Say something to your servant!"Olga was furious at this point.

"We are already starting!"Ritsuka fueled Olga's rage even more.

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