Daily life at Chaldea : I

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Chapter 6 : King's thoughts,Painters and Models

The scene was peaceful, with everyone caught up in their own activities. The staff members were taking a well-deserved break, Dr. Romani was in discussion with Ritsuka, and Mash was dutifully cleaning up the Rayshift chamber from any debris. Though young, she was resilient and her tough skin was a testament to that. Meanwhile, Ruler strolled around Chaldea with the confidence of a king walking through the halls of his castle. He admired the technology that surrounded him, curious about how it all worked. For once, he didn't have to worry about anything. Even though the fate of humanity rested in their hands, he just wanted a relaxing day.

But, with nothing to do, his mind began to wander. He found himself thinking about his relationship with Ritsuka. In his past life, he would have found it absurd to work under someone else, but now he couldn't do anything about it. The Master was the source of his power, and he couldn't rebel against him. However, Ritsuka wasn't arrogant and treated him with respect, so he didn't mind working under him.

As he continued to indulge his thoughts, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of his attire. His deceptively simple uniform radiated elegance and power. The shining white and silver armor was adorned with platinum-like metal plates that protected most parts of his body. Spiked shoulder pads completed the outfit, giving it an almost regal aesthetic. He thought it resembled something about his true form, which he quite liked. Then, there was his cape, made from the finest Eastern silk and dyed silver, surprisingly clean even after numerous battles. His mask, too, was simple yet elegant, reminding him of the Hallownestian people. Lastly, his crown, plain and unassuming, was perfect for him as he didn't want to use precious materials that would jeopardize his safety.

His thoughts shifted to the Vessels, who he doesn't consider his children but rather constructs made from his Void and The White Lady's magic. Though he had a connection with them, he knew that most would perish on their perilous journeys, so he didn't want to form relationships with them.
The White Lady has a different opinion of that, considering them her children.

Thinking of The White Lady brought up the memory of her wanting to marry him. Though being married wasn't a priority for him, as he was preoccupied with royal responsibilities, he didn't want decline her offer either,but the problem was that he didn't know her very well. He wondered if Ritsuka would ever summon her, but quickly brushed the thought aside.

Ritsuka finished talking with Romani,so he tried looking for Mash in the Rayshift chamber.He maybe could help her.But when walking around the halls,he stopped to see Ruler standing still, looking at something.So,he,curious,looked to see what was happening.
When coming closer,he noticed that his Servant was looking at his reflection on the clean wall.
Ruler still didn't move from his spot,even if Ritsuka got behind him.

"What are you doing?"Ritsuka's question snapped the attention of The Pale King, making him turn around,a bit surprised.

"U-uh...just thinking.Nothing to worry about."The Servant recomposed himself, wanting to keep his image of a wise king.

"Alright then."The young magus parted ways, leaving Ruler with himself.

He stared at the director Ritsuka went,but then returned to his thoughts.

Then,the idea of seeing his room came to his mind.

"It's not bad."The Pale King was looking around his room.It consisted of a gray carpet,a king sized white and black bed and a fancy desk.This reminded him of his days at his palace.

Then,he collapsed onto his bed."Finally,a comfy place."

"Mashu,do you need help?"Ritsuka catched up to his friend,who turned around and smiled in a shy way.

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