NasuVerse Variants : The Pale King

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Oh Boy. I have a lot,and when i say a lot, a lot of variants. Probably you won't even read all of this. Heh, i just wasted hours for some bullshit. You may hate me for it. I counted and there were...

40 Versions of The Pale King...

And that's counting without all the possible more versions 💀💀💀💀.
Well,the NasuVerse can have a lot of Versions,why not.
But should i worry that i made The Pale King have more versions than Artoria 💀?

Pale King:

The Pale King wears a distinctive whiteish gray armor adorned with intricate designs. He dons a regal platinum-striped cape that billows behind him, adding an air of nobility. His face is concealed behind a white mask with intricately designed eye holes, and he wears a tall white crown symbolizing his authority and power.

Palter / Pale King Alter:

Pale King Alter, also known as Palter, is a corrupted and twisted version of the Pale King. His mask has a menacing red glow emitting from the eye holes, and his attire consists of a tattered black cloak with red accents. The black and red armor features jagged and irregular shapes, representing his chaotic and twisted existence.

Pale Prince / Pale King Lily:

Pale King Lily, known as The Pale Prince, wears a downsized version of the original Pale King's armor, showcasing his noble lineage. He dons a regal platinum-striped cape and a smaller white mask with eye holes, revealing his bright eyes. Subtle locks of hair match the platinum stripes on his cape, adding to his enigmatic allure. He wears a smaller version of the tall white crown, symbolizing his authority as a prince.

Late King / Older Pale King:

As the years passed, the Pale King's appearance showed signs of age and wear. His armor became dull and weathered, with faded designs. The platinum-striped cape hung tattered and frayed. The white mask cracked, revealing the weathered features beneath. Despite these changes, the Pale King's presence still exuded authority and wisdom. His enduring power was symbolized by the tarnished crown atop his head.

Lalter King / Older Pale King Alter:

In an older version of Pale King Alter, the corruption and darkness intensified, resulting in a more grotesque appearance. The mask decayed and cracked, revealing corrupted flesh beneath. The tattered black cloak became even more ragged, and the armor transformed into a twisted combination of black and red. Pale King Alter's physical form showed signs of deterioration, with a hunched and frail stature.


The Mysterious King P stands out with a touch of fantasy and eccentricity. He wears a flowing midnight blue cloak adorned with silver stars, a long, deep purple robe with golden trimmings, and a silver mask with exaggerated expressions. Long strands of silver hair cascade from beneath the mask. He wears a crown made of a rare, glowing crystal, symbolizing his connection to imagination and wonder. The Mysterious King P captivates attention with his enigmatic charm, often engaging in grandiose gestures and reciting elaborate incantations.

ESP / MKP Alter:

The Enigmatic Sovereign P embodies secrecy and allure, with a touch of fantasy and mystery. He drapes himself in a billowing cloak of deep crimson with golden sigils. His attire includes a regal vestment of obsidian black interwoven with silver threads. A mask of polished onyx partially veils his countenance, and strands of flowing silver locks spill forth. He wears a crown adorned with intricate glyphs carved from a mystical iridescent crystal. The Enigmatic Sovereign P carries himself with charm and mystery, blurring the boundaries between reality and fantasy with illusion and enchantments.

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