Singularity 1 : II

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Chapter 9: Wandering

The woman, now known as Jeanne D'Arc, gazed upon the terrified and shocked faces of the people before her. She couldn't help but feel confused, her mind racing to make sense of the situation. However, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the panicked words of a French soldier.

"C-C'EST H-ELLE! LA 'SORCIÈRE DRAGON'! RETRAITE!" the soldier exclaimed, his fear palpable.

In an instant, chaos erupted. The battalion of soldiers scattered, fleeing from Jeanne in terror. She stood there, momentarily taken aback by their reaction, unsure of what had just transpired.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka was also overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events. He never expected to encounter a potential enemy within the first few hours. Gathering his wits, he cautiously approached Jeanne.

"S-sorry, did you just say that you are Jeanne D'Arc? As in the Dragon Witch?" Ritsuka stammered, trying to comprehend the situation.

Jeanne looked at him, then glanced at his companions-a young maiden, a supposed monarch and two Knights. She struggled to regain her composure, her mind still reeling from the chaos that had ensued.

She took a deep breath, attempting to steady her nerves, though it was clear she hadn't fully regained her composure.

"W-wait! L-let me explain!" Jeanne pleaded, her voice trembling.

Ritsuka took a moment to gather his thoughts, trying to make sense of the information Jeanne D'Arc had just revealed. It had left him feeling overwhelmed, and he could see a similar expression of confusion on Mash's face.

While Ritsuka was struggling to process everything, Ruler simply stared at Jeanne, Sheo kept his gaze fixed on the sky, and Stheno amused herself by playing with Sheo's hair. It seemed the other Servants weren't as affected by the revelation.

Clearing his throat, Ritsuka began to ask for clarification. "So, if I understand correctly, this 'Dragon Witch' is essentially another version of you?"

Jeanne nodded in affirmation. "Yes, that is correct."

Ritsuka continued, his brow furrowing. "And she's considered evil?"

Jeanne pondered for a moment before responding. "I don't believe in absolute evil, but her actions can certainly be seen as morally questionable."

"And you're certain that you have no affiliation with her?"

"I actually arrived in this timeline as a Servant some time ago," Jeanne explained. "My presence here is unrelated to her."

Ruler, who had been silently observing the conversation, couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "And yet, despite being a Ruler yourself, you seem to be struggling with your powers."

Jeanne met Ruler's gaze, nodding in acknowledgment. "That is correct, my abilities are more restricted. It seems you are also a Ruler, then?"

Ruler silently nodded, confirming Jeanne's assumption.

Ritsuka suddenly realized his oversight and turned nervously towards his Servants before facing Jeanne.

"U-uh, I just remembered something. We completely forgot to introduce ourselves properly. I apologize," Ritsuka mumbled, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

Jeanne offered a comforting smile, immediately putting Ritsuka at ease. "No need to worry. So, what are your names?"

One by one, they introduced themselves.

Ritsuka took the initiative. "I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, a Master of Chaldea." Jeanne couldn't help but notice his pristine, futuristic attire, coupled with the unmistakable expression of youthful inexperience on his face.

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