Daily life at Chaldea : II

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Chapter 7 : Shenanigans

Ruler was nervously hiding in the corners of the hallway, his mask concealing any telltale expressions. He cast furtive glances around, desperately hoping to avoid detection by whoever he was evading.

A lilting, feminine voice suddenly floated down the corridor, calling out to him. "Come on, Ruler, I just want to witness your magic, nothing more!"

His heart pounding, Ruler broke into a run, racing towards the Art Room. He stumbled through the doorway to find Sheo hard at work, oblivious to his monarch's sudden appearance.

Confusion etched Sheo's features when he saw Ruler's caution, but the feminine voice soon filled the air again. Ruler darted behind stacks of art supplies, peering out nervously at the new arrival.

The woman who entered was dressed in a blend of blue and red attire, reminiscent of 16th-century fashion. Her countenance bore a striking resemblance to the famous painting that Sheo had always admired - the Mona Lisa.

The woman's name, it transpired, was Da Vinci, and she was eager to explore Ruler's Abyssmal Magic. "Hello, Sheo. Have you seen Ruler? I'm hoping to study his magical prowess," she explained. "As a genius in my own right, I'm simply dying to witness it!"

"I have not, Lady Da Vinci. Perhaps he may have hidden himself in one of the boxes present in the warehouse. I'll suggest checking there," Sheo said, carefully attempting not to reveal Ruler's location or seem suspicious.

Da Vinci remained silent for a moment, and then left the art room in haste once she had received Sheo's advice.

Shortly after, Ruler cautiously emerged from his hiding place, wondering if Da Vinci was still around. "Has she left?" he asked Sheo.

"Yes, Your Majesty. She is gone," Sheo replied.

"That woman always seems to be in my way, but thank you, Nailmaster," The Pale King said, as he noticed the intricate drawing on the canvas.

Curiously, he asked, "What are you drawing this time?"

"I'm drawing a little warrior performing the Great Slash. It's quite an impressive feat," Sheo replied, as he pointed out the horned white mask-wearing teen in the image.

"The image reminds me of The Hollow Knight," The Pale King remarked.

Sheo nodded in agreement, and the two fell into a comfortable silence.

As The Pale King prepared to leave, he bid farewell to Sheo. "Have a great day, Nailmaster."

In response, the Nailmaster wished The Pale King a good day as well.

"Hey~ there you are~!Come here Ruler~!"Da Vinci's voice made itself known again, which put Ruler on alert.

He started running away,with her chasing him down.

To Sheo,this looked like his siblings when having a banter.

As the clock struck twelve, Ritsuka's stomach grumbled fervently, causing him to glance around the cafeteria excitedly for the plethora of options awaiting him. That's when Mash chimed in, her eyes gleaming with delight. "You can have anything you want!"

"I know, I can't decide!" Ritsuka replied with a smile.

While the servants, except for Mash, weren't really interested in eating, they all seemed to be enjoying themselves anyway. After all, what else was there to do?

Ruler stood awkwardly beside Da Vinci, sensing the weight of the latter's investigative gaze on him. "What are you looking at? Do you have something to say?" Ruler asked.

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